Feedback based on beta weekend.

Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 5:46 pm

Hey guys now that the NDA is lifted I would like to provide some feedback since I hear the developers listen to the players. From what I got to experience the game has potential but there are a few things I would like to see added.

1. Mini map - from what i understand there was a mini map at some point but it got removed to encourage exploration. Although it was a good effort from what I saw while playing it looked like most players were hitting 'M' all the time since you could tell they were looking at their maps based on the animation. The bar across the top just doesn't cut it for me, I would like to see the mini map brought back.

2. Damage numbers - Not sure why this is missing from the game, from a previous post I read it seems that the data is already there for putting this in since there is a MOD that adds damage numbers. I see no logical reason for this to not be implemented. I have seen some 'count arguments' to the tune of 'we don't want elitist excluding people for low DPS' fact is if the data is already there and being used in a MOD nothing will stop the elitist from excluding low DPS players.

I didn't get to try any PVP but it seems pretty cool. I like both PVE and PVP and I usually play on PVP servers for the added fun and faction pride. I think their PVP zone is a good idea that should please both camps so I'm anxious to try this during the next beta weekend. The more activities there are to do the better, this is doubly true for MMO's.

I'm still on the fence about the number of active skills available in the game. I hope the limitations of console controllers isn't affecting the number of skills available at one time. It might be fine as is, from what I understand there are 5 active skills + Q and R (I know Q is for potions not sure what R does since I never got to use it). Does switching weapons give you an extra 5 actions meaning that I would get :

5 skills per weapons, plus the 2 possible attacks for the weapon + interrupt. Meaning a total of 15 + 2 (Q and R) attacks during combat once weapon switching is available?

Other than that I thought the game was pretty cool, these don't strike me as major issues especially if they can be added in as mods at first until the developers get around to implementing it. (Let's not forget day 1 world of warcraft had 1 action bar you had to switch with shift+1,2,3 then cosmos add-on (i think it was called) added the action bars as we know them to be standard today. I think its a good approach for developers to see what add-ons are most popular and incorporate those into the base game.

I know some of you guys are a little zealous about this game and these topics in particular. This isn't an attack, its a suggestion for the developers from a potential customer. That is all. In the end it's their decisions and I would hope their decisions (whatever it may be) cause the maximum amount of players to join in.

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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:00 pm

  1. Mini Map, I'm not a fan of such things, though that's my opinion. I don't even like having a compass, as soon as a mod is released which removes the compass I'm picking it up.
  2. Damage Numbers, Are you suggesting those, in my opinion horrid number pop ups every time I hit something feature? If so I don't agree with you at all. It's fine for a mod but I don't want something like that on my screen.
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Courtney Foren
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:53 pm

Atropos of Tamriel Foundry had a Q+A on Twitch today where he showed off the UI mod he has in progress and answered some questions about UI modding.

His mod had damage numbers and LOTS of other stats displayed on the screen. People should be able to get anything they want in that sphere with mods.

Apparently the minimap is a harder issue... which doesn't surprise me, because a minimap has to have its own graphical representation of the gameworld; it can't just be derived from other information already present in the interface. Atropos said that people have been looking at it but as far as he knows nobody's solved it.

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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:34 pm

I like the fact there is no minimap. I found it intrusive (playing swtor), it always compelled me to look at it instead of trying to find my bearings from my surroundings. Not having it in TESO was refreshing. It helps me feel like i am *in* the game, as opposed to being in front of a monitor looking at the game(if that made sense :smile:)

Damage numbers - im neutral on that one. I am not particularly missing them, but i can see how they might be useful for ranged characters to get feedback about hitting targets(in melee you can see the hit land, but not at long range)

About the limited number of quickbar slots - i think this was actually a design decision, not a console limitation. You can have hundreds of skills from all the skill lines in the game. Making players pick and choose only a handful to be active at a time opens the possibility for myriads of different character builds. I like it.

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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:11 pm

I can do without minimap, but maybe someone will do an addon for those who want to

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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:04 pm

I can't wait to get my hands on an ui-mod! Damagenumbers is the last missing part for me. Also bigger healthbars above players and a sign of their alliance. It s just necessary for me in pvp and pve :)
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 7:11 pm

I found that the compass didn't show everything all at once. You had to go explore and find quests and landmarks as you go. Only when you got close to them did they show on the hud. I'm on the fence about the minimap, cause it has it's pros and cons.

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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:25 pm

There are already damage number addons available for ESO, a mini-map shouldn't be far behind.
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Sun Feb 16, 2014 3:50 pm

this is why it should be an option. off be default but we should have the ability to turn it on without having to install a mod. this is a really basic feature in mmo games

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