I have sent my copy of Crysis 2 back to my retailer (god bless online retailing) for a refund. I thought I might post some blather about why I did it, on the off-chance that a developer or someone at Crytek might read it and... probably just ignore it, but oh well. It's cathartic for me, anyway.
I consider myself a pretty 'hardcoe' PC gamer, I play a lot of different PC games and spend way too much time playing them. Some of my favourite FPS games: Half-Life, Thief, Half-Life 2, System Shock 2, Deus Ex, Modern Warfare 2 (multiplayer only), Doom/Quake/Doom 3, F.E.A.R., etc.
I played the original Crysis and enjoyed the hell out of it. For all the criticism it received, I thought it was a great game with an excellent approach to gameplay (open world sandbox style, nano-suit was an original and entertaining gameplay device) and ... well, *I* thought the story was great! The alien **** came out of nowhere and never seemed boring or tedious to me (apart from that **** swimming through the spaceship level.. ugh).
So I'm quite disappointed with Crysis 2 because you've taken several steps backwards in a few key areas, and completely changed things which didn't need changing at all.
1) The Nano Suit.
Microing the Nano Suit in Crysis 1 made me feel like a bad-ass. The gameplay thrills were CONSTANT in that game because of it. What HAVE you done? This is a Nano Suit for kids. It's utterly boring to use. Did you even playtest these changes before making them? You've taken the joy out of the suit, guys. And Maximum Armor is an active ability now? Wow. What a **** gameplay mechanic. I can no longer decloak, armor my way thru enemies then recloak. Versatility is GONE. I spend all my time hiding around corners waiting for my suit energy to regenerate, whether I'm sneaking OR going guns blazing. I don't feel like a bad-ass anymore... I feel like a coward =(
2) AI.
Not good enough. I'm talking about the way enemies zero in on your position from miles away, with no regard to how darkened your position is. I'm also talking about the way that enemies pick you out through solid objects or light cover such as foliage. Squad movement is virtually non-existent, and general AI movement svcks, with enemies running at the wrong moments, getting stuck, and just generally acting like idiots. It svcked in Crysis 1, and it still svcks. No progress made. Not even as good as games made years and years ago e.g. HL1.
3) Respawning enemies.
Set pieces have turned into an arcade game, with enemies spawning out of nowhere as soon as you kill their buddies. War of attrition is useless in this game because enemies just keep on coming. After a few hours of stealthing it up, trying to carefully take out key sentries and playing tactically, I was getting sick of to the back teeth of it.
4) Checkpoint save structure
...with not enough checkpoints. Retarded. Many times I was utterly frustrated and just ran guns blazing through set pieces like a retard just because I was sick of doing the same godamn thing over and over and then dying to the real challenge 5 mins further on.
5) Poor voice acting and script
Seriously bad script, seriously bad voice acting. All the way through, I kept thinking how much better this would have been if someone competent like Valve had done it. And I loved the first Crysis, story and all. And what the **** did you do with the suit voice? It went from sounding bad-ass to sounding crap. And it talks too damn much, do I really need a voice telling me every **** damn thing? Find other methods of unfolding plot than just the **** nano suit droning on about messages being intercepted or other such ****. I don't mean 'Maximum Armor' or that ****, that's cool, I'm talking about everything else. (Although you managed to **** ruin the suit voice anyway, so **** it, get rid of that too)
6) Hand-holding gameplay
Terrible, terrible hand-holding. Here's a message telling you how to **** crouch, here's one telling you how to look at an interesting event, **** OFF. Oh look, here's a gameplay device that REMOVES ALL NEED FOR ACTUAL THOUGHT. I don't even need to **** reflect on how to beat a set piece, because the **** game is telling me 'hey there's a flank right here and a stealthy bit right here'. **** suit might as well play the godamn game for me and save me the trouble. Ever hear of a game called Thief? I managed to play that game without a **** interface telling me where to go to get past guards and ****. Don't get me wrong, I know full well that your 'Retarded Drunken Frat-boy' demographic needs that **** in order to get past the first 10 minutes of the game, but give me the option to turn that **** off for the love of god because, more than anything else I've mentioned here, it RUINED THE GAME.
7) Forcing focus on the player unnecessarily
Hey Yosh, there's a big alien ship here. Look at the ship. There's a good boy. No, you can't look elsewhere, look at the **** SHIP. Similar to #6, except so utterly retarded that it needs a section all of its own. Let me look where the **** I want. I'm not a complete retard, I can hear that there's a fight going on over there, I know how to move the mouse, I will look at it myself. I don't need the **** camera FORCED onto events that you think I absolutely MUST watch. Cos, you know, half the **** pleasure is trying to notice all this **** happening. Have you guys ever played a game called Half-Life? Go play it now, and make notes.
Probably more I could say but I think that's enough.
Oh yeah and one more thing, I don't even care about the whole PC port issues. It's laughable that you didn't even include options in the menus to turn off antialiasing, motion blur etc, but thanks to this great gaming community I was able to use a third-party program to create an autoexec file to fix it all (at least you included console options, grateful for small mercies I suppose). Frankly I think port issues and bugs are the least of Crysis 2's problems.