I think there should be a 3v3 or 4v4 section for smaller gamers, maybe even 2v2. The 6v6 is cool, however sometimes feels slightly crowded. With 3v3 it would be a good balance and draw in people from other games that support this.(such as halo's doubles crowd or call of duty's team tactical crowd which is 4v4). Maybe it won't be available at launch but some sort of update?
Also, I think if you enter a game with a party, you should always be put on the same team. Too many times have we been entered into a game to find that 2 of the people in the party are on one side and the 3rd person is on the other team. That's a svcky feeling.
Other than these 2 ideas, I love the game
thing with parties on the same team, is if you join a game thats in progress its impossible to have everyone on the same team because the game tries to even the teams as people join. If you are in a lobby, and ur in a party, does it put you on the same team when it sorts everybody? I think it should, and thats really all they can do in regards to that to keep it fair.
One other thing, is servers need to have autobalance, or a way to switch teams manually (couldnt figure out how to switch teams)