It seems I've missed a lot of things lately. Things start to get heated up again. I haven't seen any reply lately of many older members of this forum, and I've seen a lot of new ones. This topic is dedicated to many complaints people have about this game, which is totally reasonable. But instead of throwing some complaints into random threads you can post them here, where they can be discussed. Consider this as our feedback for FO4/TESVI. Whichever is next. Please post your thought with structure. Just saying something is bad isn't very helpful, unless you don't know what makes something bad of course.
Here we go:
Bring the complicated stats system back!
I miss the attributes, resistances and weaknesses. In combination with the perk system it'd be great!
More wilderness!
It makes horses feel useless, and the world too small. Let us move through the wilderness sometimes for 10 minutes! No odd things. Just nature in it's pure form.
Make a balanced economy.
I know it's difficult, but once you have this, you have something many other games do not have An economy that is balanced up to the level cap. (Add taxes for houseowners too while you're at it.
Make a UI that is comparable to our famous SkyUI. The old UI was good, and fast. But not very transparent unless you select a specific item first.
Add a dodge roll, and make a better AI for enemies. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen did fine work on that. Different attacks, one that has a long reach, one that is faster and weaker than the other attacks, an attack that causes an explosion centered at the user, one that is weak but is designed to knock down, etc.
Open cities. Those "other-cell cities" are doing something to the game...It's not good IMO.
More combat variety!
Make a gap between a heavy armored warrior and an archmage. The warrior of course could take up to 15 hits without blocking, but do less damage. The mage could be the glass cannon that could only endure 2 hits. Using spells to slow enemies down, and cast long spells that do a devastating amount of damage. And of course add the dodge roll and improved AI to complete it.
Let skills have some power. A novice spellcaster that tries to cast a firebolt should get it blown up in his face while casting it. A player that let's his character use a bow should get a lot of inaccurate shots.
More responses for conversations! Make us feel like we're having a real conversation by having a greeting first, then ask for something (like the latest rumor), NPC tells rumor. Player asks for more detail, NPC gives more details.
No random greeting anymore!
Getting greeted randomly by the biggest talker in town or a friend is fine, but not if you get greeted by the most quiet person in town, who is a total stranger to you.
Finally: Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT release a game until it has reached it's full potential. Take an example from CD Projekt RED and Witcher 3. Just read an article like this one:
How many game developers have you heard saying that?