remapping keys (e.g. switching F and R) will also remap any ancillary functions
that might happen in other parts of the game that use these keys
(e.g. assigning favourites will be switched when the inventory is open, but the hint key will not be updated on the inventory screen)
if the functionality of a key will change depending on the menu that is open/closed at the time, then the two functions should be listed seperately in the keybind options, allowing the user a greater scope of customisability to reach a comfortable setup.
right mouse button controls left and left controls right.
in a game with dual wielding this makes no sense at all and is infact actively confusing when you're trying to assign things to a hand in the menus, and when using them in game
2a: the shield can only be wielded on the left says the manual
well than it should say that in game. it took me far too many tries to equip
both a sword and a shield
2b: WHY should a shield be only usable on the left? why not let ppl have the freedom to choose this themselves?
inconsistent use of buttons.
i.e. to take an item from a container you highlight it and press E
but to put an item into a container you must press R (as E will equip/de-equip/use the item)
inconsistent use of buttons.
opening a container uses E, but to close it you must press tab. this has resulted in my often taking an item when i merely wished to close the inventory
mouse wheel scrolling through the options only works if the mouse focuses over them directly. - mousewheel scrolling should assume focus of this menu regardless of mouse position, since there's nothing else on screen at that time that would react to the mousewheel.
the option menu (i.e. volume, keybinds, etc) should be available from the game's main menu,not just from the in game menu
the 4-point menu is clunky and inefficient to use when compared to the oblivion model (i.e. a single keypress of F1-F4 could open up any of those four options without needing to open a menu first)
by extension, it feels more clicks are required to actual get to the items within the inventory, whilst not actually making it easier to sort them
hotkeying items should be doable without favouriting them first, as this just adds more unnecessary keypresses
favouriting should take into account left or right hand. and/or should allow you to favourite a left and a right option together and/or accessing the favourites item should allow the option selected to go to right or left, instead of always to the right.
if you are using magic + melee weapon, you end up needing to go into the menu and select first your spell and then your weapon
whilst the favouriting system is clearly a good idea for a console system, on the PC it just comes across as clunky, and in using it, the clunkiness and inefficiency of the menu is highlighted
you should be able to hotkey other items (e.g. letting you quickly switch from heavy armour to your enchanted robe of mana regeneration)
when in 'vanity mode' (holding down the 3rd person button), moving the mouse up/down should pan up/down, instead it zooms in/out (which should be controlled by mouse wheel)
consistency with previous elderscrolls key layout:
E= jump
space = use
vanity mode mouse control
F= ready weapon
(although i AM aware that E= use and space=jump is a more standardised system across first person gaming in general, but when i play an elder scroll game i actually find i mix them up if i try keybinding them way around - I accept this is personal preference however.)
(see point3): use/equip an item in previous elder scrolls was right click, rather than pressing E
why can't you favourite "unarmed combat"? - again the clunkyness of the menu rears up, as going into unarmed combat mode requires:
sword+shield/dual wield: 5 button clicks
sword+spell: 4to de-equip sword + 1to close menu + 4 to de-equip spell = 9
using the E key for both grabbing items and for picking up items is a bad convention, and results in far too many un-intentional picking up of items that are only desired to be moved around in the world.
from further playthrough i have some more issues i'd like to highlight:
conversation options sometimes become "sticky", where clicking on one option will instead play the one that is highlighted by the arrow and/or play the one below it
this issue also occurs occasionally in the options menu and journal.
there is also a similar problem when trying to load a game (i.e. if you click on one game file, but then click on another one, when the user makes that 2nd click the game will load the 1st save game instead of highlighting the 2nd save file
when trading or crafting or giving/taking items from ahireling or a container, it should be clearer what the action you are doing is.
in particular, when trading it should be clear that the item clicked on is in the buy menu not the sell menu.
the best way to make this apparent would be to have the merchants list of items appear on the right of the screen whilst the users item list appears on the left.
furthermore, perhaps allowing a "confirm" option that can be clicked after all items to be bought/sold are highlighted (akin to the morrowind system)
crafting: when you wish to craft the same thing multiple times (e.g. leather ->leather strips) it is quite annoying that the "are you sure windows" can not be giving an "accept" with the same keypress that initiates the craft (and causes the confirmation window to appear)
the 4-point menu has magic on the left and items on the right. often though i will end up clicking on the right arrow wheni want magic, because the magic list/window is displayed on the right of the screen when open.
the same is true for the item window - i often click on the left point when i want items.
navigating the skills/perks is very difficult on the keyboard. it's too easy to end up on a star of an adjacent skill when you are navigating the stars of one skill tree, and in some cases it's near impossible to select/highlight a star in particular depending on how they are laid out. I feel that it would be much easier to use if the clicking with the mouse would highlight directly
Being unable to sort the inventory by weight/value/attack/defense is detrimental to long term gameplay, when you wish to compare these factors, especially when deciding what to drop and/or to sell in order to get below the carrying capacity.
It'd be nice if there were also a 'by type' as well so that all necklaces/amulets end up together (as opposed to near opposite ends of the apparel list due to A and N)
when trading, sometimes clicking on a submenu will cause the trade session to end (e.g. if you are in your weapons list and click on (your) apparel, the trading session will almost always be terminated)
[end edit]
inconsistent buttons when moving gear between yourself and a hireling(pressing E or left click on a hireling's gear moves it to you, but you have to press R on your own gear to give it to the hireling, otherwise you will try to use/equip it instead)
controlling the horse in skyrim feels strange, in that the keyboard presed directions cause the horse to move relative to camera angle rather than relative to the horse's orientation.
[end edit2]
other (non-UI) issues:
- overly long intro sequence that is not interruptable
- being unable to name save files (making it easier to manage multiple characters)
- lack of a "quick start" option, letting you bypass the tutorial
- lack of a "are you sure you're happy with the options you chose" query after the tutorial section is over
- special kill animations don't add anything to the game, and are not even user executed, but instead appear to be randomly triggered by the killing blow. for all the work that was put into animating them, this feels wasteful. such animations are a lot more satisfying if the user had some (reliable) control in them being triggered. AKA,let me choose if i want to finish them with flair and coup de grace
- if anything the special kill animations hurt the gameplay by taking the control away from the player in the middle of an intense piece of action. for me at least whenever they trigger i actually feel bewildered at the sudden loss of control and will briefly wonder how i died in the first few moments of the animation (which is usually what happens when the camera pans out and you lose control of your character in midcombat), prior to realising what is going on.
overall, whilst i'm sure the game was adequately tested by focus groups and playable demo events, these were all for the console version, and it appears the assumption was made that if the gameplay is fine on one platform, then it will be fine on another one so long as the program is stable
for the next major title that is released on multiplatform, i would highly recommend that the UI design be rethought when applied to a different platform.
When it comes to UI I feel that the fewer button clicks needed the better.
Furthermore, functionality should be as loosely bound as possible so that the user has the freedom to set up the interface in a manner that is most comfortable to them (see point 1)
i also wish to mention that some of these issues are not going to be PC only.
multi-character save games and the lack of clarity when trading with an npc for example are probably causing the same problems on the console versions as they are not input-centric issues.
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