So like the rest of us crysis fans I couldn't wait to get my dirty hands on the Crysis multiplayer demo, and the moment I could, I downloaded it and started playing. Through all the sneak peeks, and the demos, and even the leaked campaign (I didnt download it by the way;) ) I noticed that you didn't bring back the theme song from the first crysis. I'm not a big fan of this choice because I have always made the connection between that theme song and the thought of your series, and being a business man myself, it created that permanant stamp on your fans that imbedded Crysis in their minds forever as the best game they have played so far. However since I never even heard a murmur of our adored theme song, I'm not connecting to the game as well as I want to.
I do love the multiplayer demo and I am definately buying it in 4 days, but the loss of this reminding theme song has punched a hole right through me.