It's me again, with yet another guide. This time about the MK60 mod 0.
The MK60 in Crysis 2 is, for the biggest part, modeled after the M60E4 but has some traits of all the previous M60s too. It's a mystery to me why an M60 modeled weapon is in this game, it's the year 2023 after all, and even today, it's slowly being outclassed by guns like the M249 SAW. But this game is not supposed to be realistic so just forget about that.
The M60 got nicknamed 'The pig' during the Vietnam war because it made a grunting sound when firing, it ate up all the ammo you gave it, and it was very heavy and unpractical to carry around.
Onto the guide.
this time no flashy MK60 pic from different angles, because there is none
The MK60 deals 37-30 damage per shot (3-4 hit kill w/out armor). It deals 37 damage up to around 35 meters, after which the damage will drop to 30 after 55m. It has a fire rate of 550 RPM (rapid fire adds 55 RPM, so that's 605 RPM w/ RF). The reload time is the worst in game, 8.0 seconds O_o with 6.0 seconds add time (after 6.0 second, a reload cancel can be done). However, the magazine size is 100 rounds (120 with ext. mags) and 100 rounds in reserve (200 with sidepack). Don't let this mislead you, even though the RoF is slow, and the mag size huge, it burns through ammo quickly. The hip spread is also quite big, 4.0 min 11.0 max. Point-fire enhance is usefull as it cuts the spread nearly in half. From 4.0 to 2.2 and from 11.0 to 6.05.
The MK60 deals 37-30 damage per shot (3-4 hit kill w/out armor). It deals 37 damage up to around 35 meters, after which the damage will drop to 30 after 55m. It has a fire rate of 550 RPM (rapid fire adds 55 RPM, so that's 605 RPM w/ RF). The reload time is the worst in game, 8.0 seconds O_o with 6.0 seconds add time (after 6.0 second, a reload cancel can be done). However, the magazine size is 100 rounds (120 with ext. mags) and 100 rounds in reserve (200 with sidepack). Don't let this mislead you, even though the RoF is slow, and the mag size huge, it burns through ammo quickly. The hip spread is also quite big, 4.0 min 11.0 max. Point-fire enhance is usefull as it cuts the spread nearly in half. From 4.0 to 2.2 and from 11.0 to 6.05.
The MK60 has 4 attachments. 2 sights and 2 underbarrel attachments. Attachment usefulness is on a scale of 1-10
None - Iron sights, your standard ironsights. 9-10
Reflex Sight - Refractive Optical Red Dot Sight for Enhanced Target Acquisition. I heard that the reflex actually increases kick on the weapon, making it harder to stay on target. 5-10
Assault Scopes - Advance Optical 3x Zoom. Okay attachment, although you are screwed in close range. 7-10
None - No barrel attachments equipped. 10-10!
None - Standard, nothing special. *no rating*
Extended - Increased magazine Capacity. Best under-barrel attachment IMO, saved my ass multiple times in battle 10-10
Halogram - Projects a Decoy Image to Fool Enemies. I don't use holograms very often, and this gun is better of with ext. mags. Therefore: 4-10
Awesome guide, I just got into this weapon yesterday and have been tooling around with dozens of combos trying to find the ideal setup. I'm in love with your Armor Enhance/Cov Ops/Aim Enhance setup. I don't even keep stealth on- I just walk in armor and usually find fights that I win through outlasting their spray and pray.
The MK60 has 4 attachments. 2 sights and 2 underbarrel attachments. Attachment usefulness is on a scale of 1-10
None - Iron sights, your standard ironsights. 9-10
Reflex Sight - Refractive Optical Red Dot Sight for Enhanced Target Acquisition. I heard that the reflex actually increases kick on the weapon, making it harder to stay on target. 5-10
Assault Scopes - Advance Optical 3x Zoom. Okay attachment, although you are screwed in close range. 7-10
None - No barrel attachments equipped. 10-10!
None - Standard, nothing special. *no rating*
Extended - Increased magazine Capacity. Best under-barrel attachment IMO, saved my ass multiple times in battle 10-10
Halogram - Projects a Decoy Image to Fool Enemies. I don't use holograms very often, and this gun is better of with ext. mags. Therefore: 4-10
I'll only be discussing the useful perks.
Proxy alarm: Always useful
Armor enhance: This turns you into a walking tank. Upgrade 2 gives better mobility while in armor. Upgrade 3 is meh, protection from Nanosuit Jammer killstreak.
Nano recharge: See Proxy alarm.
Detonation delay: Useful if you want to survive in the crash site. If you are a team player and a crash site wh*re, I'd suggest this perk.
Covert ops: Because of upgrade 2, the not being seen by Ceph gunship part. Upgrade 3 can be okay if you like to listen to enemy footsteps.
I don't think there are alot of usefull perks in the stealth category. But stealth enhance is always good. If you like to use blind spot, be my guest. If you like to use Jammer, knock yourself out!
Aim enhance: *BEST* this reduces recoil and transforms the MK60 from beast, to total beast! Upgrade 3 is really useful as you want to be the most mobile one in a firefight, if you can strafe faster than the opponent, it's usually a win.
Point-fire enhance: A good alternative, you keep your mobility and you have relatively accurate hip-fire.
Weapon pro: Faster reload and ADS is always good.
Loadout pro: Use this to combine the awesome power of the MK60 with any gun, and upgrade 3 is the one that makes this interesting. Upgrade 3 allows you to run around faster while carrying an HMG. Combine this with Armor enhance 2 and you are faster then ever with and HMG.
Rapid fire: For faster killing. It adds 55 RPM to the rate of fire, giving the MK60 an RoF of 605.
I'll only be discussing the useful perks.
Proxy alarm: Always useful
Armor enhance: This turns you into a walking tank. Upgrade 2 gives better mobility while in armor. Upgrade 3 is meh, protection from Nanosuit Jammer killstreak.
Nano recharge: See Proxy alarm.
Detonation delay: Useful if you want to survive in the crash site. If you are a team player and a crash site wh*re, I'd suggest this perk.
Covert ops: Because of upgrade 2, the not being seen by Ceph gunship part. Upgrade 3 can be okay if you like to listen to enemy footsteps.
I don't think there are alot of usefull perks in the stealth category. But stealth enhance is always good. If you like to use blind spot, be my guest. If you like to use Jammer, knock yourself out!
Aim enhance: *BEST* this reduces recoil and transforms the MK60 from beast, to total beast! Upgrade 3 is really useful as you want to be the most mobile one in a firefight, if you can strafe faster than the opponent, it's usually a win.
Point-fire enhance: A good alternative, you keep your mobility and you have relatively accurate hip-fire.
Weapon pro: Faster reload and ADS is always good.
Loadout pro: Use this to combine the awesome power of the MK60 with any gun, and upgrade 3 is the one that makes this interesting. Upgrade 3 allows you to run around faster while carrying an HMG. Combine this with Armor enhance 2 and you are faster then ever with and HMG.
Rapid fire: For faster killing. It adds 55 RPM to the rate of fire, giving the MK60 an RoF of 605.
Taking the Armor path or the Stealth path:
Basically, there are two paths you can take when using the MK60 or any gun actually. The Path of Stealth and the Path of Armor. aKa The sneaky approach and the head-on approach. With the MK60, you can go the sneaky way, with only stealth-focused perks, going around enemy defences through weak spots, to flank them, and attack them from behind. The head-on approach is pretty straigh forward, only perks that are focused on increasing the chance of survival, no matter what you are walking into. Just turn on armor, get in, destroy everything, wait till they respawn, rinse and repeat.
For the full stealth approach I'd suggest:
Proxy alarm (know when enemies are close, and avoid them)
Stealth enhance (more time in stealth)
Rapid fire (the faster they drop, the faster you can get out of there again)
For the full Armor approach:
Armor enhance (obvious...)
Visor enhance (to seek and destroy >:) Also grants immunity to flashbangs so those can't stop your rampage)
Aim enhance (Less recoil=more fun)
Basically, there are two paths you can take when using the MK60 or any gun actually. The Path of Stealth and the Path of Armor. aKa The sneaky approach and the head-on approach. With the MK60, you can go the sneaky way, with only stealth-focused perks, going around enemy defences through weak spots, to flank them, and attack them from behind. The head-on approach is pretty straigh forward, only perks that are focused on increasing the chance of survival, no matter what you are walking into. Just turn on armor, get in, destroy everything, wait till they respawn, rinse and repeat.
For the full stealth approach I'd suggest:
Proxy alarm (know when enemies are close, and avoid them)
Stealth enhance (more time in stealth)
Rapid fire (the faster they drop, the faster you can get out of there again)
For the full Armor approach:
Armor enhance (obvious...)
Visor enhance (to seek and destroy >:) Also grants immunity to flashbangs so those can't stop your rampage)
Aim enhance (Less recoil=more fun)
Move slowly, the MK60 does everything slow so you don't want to be caught with your pants down while you sprint around the corner. You first have to stop sprinting, bring the weapon to your shoulder, by the time you did that, you are dead.
Let them come to you. The MK60 is not a good weapon for running and gunning, so the best thing to do is the complete opposite, defending and patroling an area. Just pick a room, claim it, defend it. It's that simple. Pick a crash site, claim it, defend it.
Sustained fire can make the recoil hard to handle, so just fire in bursts of 10 rounds. If they don't drop after 10 rounds, which they should, fire till he dies.
Move slowly, the MK60 does everything slow so you don't want to be caught with your pants down while you sprint around the corner. You first have to stop sprinting, bring the weapon to your shoulder, by the time you did that, you are dead.
Let them come to you. The MK60 is not a good weapon for running and gunning, so the best thing to do is the complete opposite, defending and patroling an area. Just pick a room, claim it, defend it. It's that simple. Pick a crash site, claim it, defend it.
Sustained fire can make the recoil hard to handle, so just fire in bursts of 10 rounds. If they don't drop after 10 rounds, which they should, fire till he dies.
My class:
MK60 Ext. mags
Hammer time!
JAW (for AA capability)
Armor enhance 2
Covert ops 2
Aim enhance 3
MK60 ext. mags, assault scope
Det delay
Loadout pro
Grab the HMG and have fun!
MK60 ext mags assault scope
Any secondary
Armor enhance/Nano recharge
Stealth enhance
Point-fire enhance
Use stealth to get close, switch to armor, spray-n-pray, ???, profit!
[EDIT] added another chapter
My class:
MK60 Ext. mags
Hammer time!
JAW (for AA capability)
Armor enhance 2
Covert ops 2
Aim enhance 3
MK60 ext. mags, assault scope
Det delay
Loadout pro
Grab the HMG and have fun!
MK60 ext mags assault scope
Any secondary
Armor enhance/Nano recharge
Stealth enhance
Point-fire enhance
Use stealth to get close, switch to armor, spray-n-pray, ???, profit!
[EDIT] added another chapter
Bryanna Vacchiano - Posts: 3425
- Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:54 pm
GLOW... - Posts: 3472
- Joined: Thu Aug 03, 2006 10:40 am
Cool, Sjolten! Another great guide. I played only with the Scar the last weeks, but i will create a new class again. Played the Demo mostly with the MK60. Will try it out later. My class will be then:
MK60, Extended mag
AY 69
Proxy alarm 3
Stealth enhance 3
Aim enhance 3
MK60, Extended mag
AY 69
Proxy alarm 3
Stealth enhance 3
Aim enhance 3
Tamika Jett - Posts: 3301
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:44 am
I'm in love with your Armor Enhance/Cov Ops/Aim Enhance setup. I don't even keep stealth on- I just walk in armor and usually find fights that I win through outlasting their spray and pray.
Against those without proximity alarm the Mk.60 sneaking up on them sans footsteps should be qu'elle bon surprise!
Against those without proximity alarm the Mk.60 sneaking up on them sans footsteps should be qu'elle bon surprise!

Michelle davies - Posts: 3509
- Joined: Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:59 am
Very nice again Sjolt - I'd have to say that the couple of times I've picked up an MK.60 (seemingly always on IA on bloody Impact) having loadout pro was great for MAXIMUM slaughter. Been pondering putting a class together myself as I think this gun does very well with sh1t connections, as well as under certain circumstances/game situations. I Already have armour enhance, covert ops and aim enhance levelled up too. Tidy!
Gen Daley - Posts: 3315
- Joined: Sat Jul 08, 2006 3:36 pm
Wicked guide Sjolten, will definitely try this out 

Tyler F - Posts: 3420
- Joined: Mon Aug 27, 2007 8:07 pm
good to see a m60 guide up , its a pesonal favorite next to my marshall and majestic 
good layouts set up , i have tried a lot of different styles to see what i like best and you know what its a versatile gun, it is however slower to come out of stealth and shoot compared to other guns , you have to be careful not to drain your energy cause of it .

good layouts set up , i have tried a lot of different styles to see what i like best and you know what its a versatile gun, it is however slower to come out of stealth and shoot compared to other guns , you have to be careful not to drain your energy cause of it .
Skivs - Posts: 3550
- Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2007 10:06 pm
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