Yes.....this totally needed to be construed into a human rights issue!! Also no, I don't have the game and have to wait for midnight like everybody else.
Yes.....this totally needed to be construed into a human rights issue!! Also no, I don't have the game and have to wait for midnight like everybody else.
I try not to concern myself with what others have and I don't.
If I did I'd sit around all day wondering why I'm not Brad Pitt.
For anybody crying they can't play until the release date - I won't be able to play until the end of November at the earliest! It could easily be the second week of December!
I have to buy a whole new system to run the game, and I have to get as much bang for the buck which means waiting for Cyber Monday deals.
Yes, I know many places have expanded the Black Friday idea and are running Black November deals. I figure as good as things are now they will be even bigger on the actual days of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Because were waiting while tons of randoms get their hands on the game early? You don't understand how that causes one to look at this situation as slightly unfair?
from my understanding, alot of people who got it early most likely got them from "mom and pop" game stores, they have the game in stock but its not supposed to go on sale till the 10th, but that doesnt stop them. hell, if you have a friend that works at "MIGHT" be able to get it early aswell...course, i dont know how it works their, like if the managers would regularly check stock to see for any missing copies ( or hell, the managers themselfs could take a copie for themselfs and could let employies get them aswell) so BAM! leaks everywhere. I myself have spoiled myself with some leaks, non story related ones, but more of how things work, like the settlement system, power armor ect.
thank for reply to me
and im sorry to everybody who come to read my topic
i just upset that why i said "i am human not animal"
because my english is not good too
i will send pm to mod i see someone he has 6 hour of gameplay on twich
for now i feel better than yestyerday (just wake up)
Yesterday, a friend of mine sent me a message, a picture of himself holding his copy of FO4.
Here I am still waiting for my confirmation mail that my copy is shipped
It's hard, but in the end, we will all play it, right... right?
Sorry,but I find posts and threads like this childish and petty. So what!...someone has got a game early. It happens. I've had games early before,but not this time. I'm happy for those that have got theirs early...good luck to them. You are not forced to watch streams or anything. People expect everything on their laps nowadays.and when that doesn't happen the dummy comes flying out.
Just wait like others have to. It's not long now
Welcome to vault 404.
In this vault we will be testing the bounds of human psyche. We will be monitoring stress levels, and social interactions between our inhabitants when subjected to situations that invoke: greed, jealousy, envy, helplessness, and abandonment.
Current Test
Simulation: Fictitious release of highly anticipated game
Start: June 15th 2015
End: November 10th 2015
Overseers: Todd Howard, Pete Hines
Monitoring devices: Forums, twitter
- Show game off at large event (don't release any additional information)
- Tease with small clips closer to "release date"
- As "release date" approaches show other "people" having fun with game
- On "release date" shut servers down, without any explanation.
This will conclude the Vault 404's first simulation.
Inhabitants that cannot handle the stresses involved in a games release will be humanely terminated. This culling is necessary as the anticipated stresses in the wasteland will pale in comparison to the stresses of the release of a video game.
I found out earlier in the week I have a training course a long way from home this week. My copy will be sitting pretty (untill my girlfriend gets it installed and set up for me) till friday evening!
If this is what it takes to trigger one's unfair-meter, then one is going to have a long and bitter journey.
Unfair? Try watching a child die of cancer, or a gun shot wound. Or watch a severely physically handicapped person get through life *without even complaining about fairness*. Look into human trafficking in Central America and Europe. Watch the waves of people desperately fleeing the middle east with little but the clothes on their backs.
Unfair is pounding one's chest and screaming "injustice" when someone gets to consume a decadent luxury days before you do. Most of the world only dreams of such opportunity.
LOL Unfair is a word I use loosely is a child starving in Africa unfair? Yes totally. Is getting cut in line also unfair? Sure is, as the young people say "Theres levels to this [censored]".
There is always going to be someone somewhere with a worse situation, does that mean nothing should ever bother you? Honestly I get it, it's not that big of a deal; truly. However its simply false to say its not unfair because well by definition it is. Call it a first world problem if you want but can all that "Ooh there people out there who have it worse" of course there are you n'wah.
Do you never ever complain going into work because well...shoot theres somebody somewhere who doesn't have a job? You all need to get off your high horses.