...but it's true and some others probably feel the same way. I'm a 34 year old male and I feel like this game has woken up my childhood.
The best part of my childhood was playing with toys, especially my GI Joe's, Ninja Turtles and the like. I would position them on my couch or fireplace, setup bunkers, guard posts, action sequences....mix and match guys, weapons, accessories...you name it. I would loose hours in just creating the story and environment...just playing.
There is so much custom-ability in this game it's unreal. I can build my own freaking town. I can trick out my weapons and give them to any settler I want. I can put them at a guard post with ridiculous custom armor and have them sleep in a guard shack. I can build a farm and have settlers work the land and crops I set down. I can clothe them in farmers gear if I want to.
I can call a chopper to pick me up when i'm over encumbered and it drops me down in my settlement next to my workbench to store my junk. The views on this ride were amazing and gives me an odd sense of bewilderment when landing in Sanctuary from a chopper. It's a town I built, however feels foreign from the air and even landing in it...I can't believe we're able to to that!
The power armor feels like it's current incarnation is the way it is supposed to be. I mean, it's Power Armor...runs on a power source. Fuel. Power.
The possibilities are endless here and the creative tools BGS provided for us are so deep and immersive I get lost in it. There are many complainers on this forum, however there are indisputable facts regarding this game. This is indeed the most customizable world they've ever created. It is a visual upgrade from prior installments from BGS, and it looks stunning. The vast options of tweaking your player his/her-self to armor, weapons and crafting is unrivaled in any other BGS title to date. The buggieness/ glitches are far far far far less then what I've noted from other BGS games.
Long story short, I feel like a kid again playing with toys when playing Fallout 4. Thought I'd lost that feel forever.