I feel a bit funny saying this...

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:52 pm

...but it's true and some others probably feel the same way. I'm a 34 year old male and I feel like this game has woken up my childhood.

The best part of my childhood was playing with toys, especially my GI Joe's, Ninja Turtles and the like. I would position them on my couch or fireplace, setup bunkers, guard posts, action sequences....mix and match guys, weapons, accessories...you name it. I would loose hours in just creating the story and environment...just playing.

There is so much custom-ability in this game it's unreal. I can build my own freaking town. I can trick out my weapons and give them to any settler I want. I can put them at a guard post with ridiculous custom armor and have them sleep in a guard shack. I can build a farm and have settlers work the land and crops I set down. I can clothe them in farmers gear if I want to.

I can call a chopper to pick me up when i'm over encumbered and it drops me down in my settlement next to my workbench to store my junk. The views on this ride were amazing and gives me an odd sense of bewilderment when landing in Sanctuary from a chopper. It's a town I built, however feels foreign from the air and even landing in it...I can't believe we're able to to that!

The power armor feels like it's current incarnation is the way it is supposed to be. I mean, it's Power Armor...runs on a power source. Fuel. Power.

The possibilities are endless here and the creative tools BGS provided for us are so deep and immersive I get lost in it. There are many complainers on this forum, however there are indisputable facts regarding this game. This is indeed the most customizable world they've ever created. It is a visual upgrade from prior installments from BGS, and it looks stunning. The vast options of tweaking your player his/her-self to armor, weapons and crafting is unrivaled in any other BGS title to date. The buggieness/ glitches are far far far far less then what I've noted from other BGS games.

Long story short, I feel like a kid again playing with toys when playing Fallout 4. Thought I'd lost that feel forever.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:18 pm

:goodjob: dude... I agree. I began to fall in love with Bethesda with Morrowind.. since then they have just gotten better. Just wait till your 60 and then see what they are coming out with! Im 42 myself but I remember playing with a mixed batch of Starwars figgures and GI joes embattled by plastic dinosaurs and even on occasion thowing in a giant looming mr potatoe head to breach the walls!

Then Attari came out.. Apple II plus was my first home Pc.. The good old days aint nothing like the New good days (at least in the entertainment)

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laila hassan
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:20 am

I'm extremely happy for you! :D

Digging that you feel this way, very nice and positive post too.

Here's hoping for patches and expansions to make this totally sweet game even better.

I've never seen it that way, I think that is pretty cool even though I am incapable of feeling the same way.

Also: Yo Joe!

GI Joe!

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:24 am

Havn't tried the chopper yet. I'd been wondering if ti brought me to places i haven't been or how much i could shoot and see from the sky.

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loste juliana
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:38 am

<== 43. Intellivision and Packard Bell were my first loves.

And I agree OP. The sense of wonder and discovery is back. I love it when it comes back. At my age, most everything else in life is just more of the same ad nauseum.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:43 am

The chopper is an extremely (to me) surprising feature that they did not have to do. It's probably a resource hog but the fact it's in there is mind-blowing to me. It's a HUGE immersive feature that allows me to experience the landscape rather than fast travel. Granted it takes longer than the fast travel mechanic but i'll forgo it for the views! The over-encumbered trick is also cool as well. in a pinch where you don't want to drop some loot? Throw down a smoke grenade and call for pickup.

I find it flies too fast in order for me to spool up the Gatling gun and sight an enemy...but that doesn't keep the raiders from taking pot shots at you though. I thought that it was cool having my health widdle down (fractions of an HP) as I took random fire from the local rabble as i flew over a random settlement.

I dont' think you can fly to undiscovered locations, but I did notice that when flying over a new location, it updates your map as discovered so you can F/T back to it if you wish.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:40 pm

My first installment was Oblivion. It literally blew my mind. I often go back to it and it holds up very well, which i often times hear of Morrowind as well.

Fast foward to now and what we're able to do? Ridiculous.

It seems as though all the bells and whistles that each title adds-on is standard and improves upon in the next installment. Skyrim had the Hearthfire DLC which for the first time introduced house building, gardening, companion/ settler recruitment and settlement customization. I think you could have like up to 8-11 entities on your plot of land (if you were creative and included the chickens and cows!). I would think that BGS let the developer who crafted that fine add-on go absolutely nuts in FO4...and they spun out a gem that no other RPG game can compare to.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:22 pm

What! If I throw down a smoke grenade, I gotta boogie my butt outa dodge, or I get the poop hammered outa myself when my guys start dropping those not very accurate mortars every where. Damn.. just my luck. You get a vertibird ride, I get hammered with mortar fire.

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Laura Wilson
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:59 am

one of the things that kept me from moving to a different settlement was that i now have too much stuff to bring in one or even 4 trips. I'll have to call the brotherhood to help with moving day and load it on the choppa.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:53 am

Is that you in the photo? Have to say, apart for the beard, you are rather well preserved. Glad you enjoy the game.

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hannah sillery
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:19 am

I pretty much feel the same way with the childlike feelings but may I ask why you hate to say it? Lol

To me it's really nice any time I have a game that evokes a lot of excitement when I play it.
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:23 pm

Well.. they call him Baby face Mazz so I can understand the embarassment anytime he has to admit to embracing his inner child.. :nope:

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:50 pm

I'm 44 and I feel the same way. I played the game up until the point where I completed the first quest with the detective dude in Diamond City and we killed Kellogg, then I stopped. Been scauaging and building settlements with Piper the rest of the time and diong Minutemen side quests. I can't stop, I'm 100% totally addicted to the whole building and settlement side of the game and honestly am not all that concerned about doing the missions. Isn't that strange? I was like a little kid when I heard Fallout 4 was going to be released and couldn't wait to get it. I even bought a PS4 for the sole purpose of playing it, and I end up not really playing it at all.

The very first video game I can remember is this wierd white thing you held in your hands and I think it was from Radio Shack. It was some kind of football game with tiny blips on the screen that you had to imagine were players. Then my first console was an Atari 2600 and first PC was a 286 with 384k of video memory with like a 25 or 50MB HDD iirc. I sure don't miss Mem Maker and special boot floppies. :)

I mentioned in another thread how awesome it would be if somehow they could incorporate a rail system for us to build as kind of a virtual HO system around the ruins. That would satisfy another childhood dream. I remember when packs of HO scale track were $1.97 for a pack of 10 pieces. It's around $45 for the same package the last time I looked so that's never going to happen again. :/

Can you imagine a rail system in the Fallout world attacked by Raiders and Super Mutants. Tracks and bridge getting blown up and having to be repaired and all of that.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:15 pm

Hahaha....just a funny pic i saw on the net. I call it the Billie May's baby...but wait, there's more!

Hate's a bit strong, but I was coming out of my shell a bit on this post. That's all, just felt a bit out of my comfort zone.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:57 pm

dude, i know what u mean, one of the things i love most from Bethesda games is, i always lost myself exploring the world they craft. And Fo4 make me feel the same way i did, when i play Morrowind the first time getting out of the boat and having this huge map where i can go whatever i want.

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Ben sutton
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:29 pm

You're not alone. I'm 36 and I feel the same way.

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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:09 am

I know how you feel.
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:46 am

Nah, not strange at all. Very cool though IMO.

I can imagine a rail system very well and IT IS AWSOME!

Most likely it will need to be fan made but how cool would it be to run your own trains, set up supply trains like in Cities: Skylines, anyone who has read Raising Steam knows how absolutely cool railroads can be.

Choo choo!

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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:11 am

Gee all of a sudden people are telling how old they are.

I < might > win the prize.

I'm 74 and still playing video games.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:19 am

I approve of that idea. As it is, I can understand your fascination. It's not every day somebody hands you an Erector Set with guns. And FarmVille with attack dogs.

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kelly thomson
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:38 am

I know how you feel. The part where you explain about how you would create bunkers and setup your toys and create situations and all...
That was by far my ffavourite part of my childhood. Much better actualy then any video games I've ever played I would say.
That was when my imagination was set free, without the boundairies of having to think a certain way in order to be a "useful" person.
I am now 31, and I have kept an extremely free imagination, if I compare myself to the conformity that is.
this part of my childhood was so inspiring and fun, that even today it fuels my projects and the way I want to live, meaning that i kind of see the place where I live like my own little "bunker" and my friends and collegues are the other heroes with wich I will create a wonderfful universe and experience on this earth.
Of course I'm not a ninja turtle but I'm even better than that : a human with infinite possibilities and I'm lucky to be poart of those who have not been struck asleep by our dumbing system. Or have I ? Sometimes i wonder...

I must say, no game has had the enthousiastic effect that Fallout 4 has on me since... well i think since chrono trigger first came out.
I must say I'm in a bit of a dilemma right now... help save the planet... or play fallout 4 ?

Hmmmm... I'll play a bit more and than ask myself again... :yawn:

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:35 am

You are my new hero. 74 and still playing games? I think that makes you the coolest person on the forums. Just sayin'. That's just my opinion.

Your Alfred E Neuman pic is totally sweet as well.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:11 am

I'm 48 and played about 14 hours yesterday. The joys of when your kids are advlts. :D

What's amazing is that I'm about 40 hours in and have still explorered only 1/4 of the map. There's so much to do it's unreal. I love how the sunlight filters through the trees. Never get tired of looking at that.
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:35 pm


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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:12 pm

Being and "advlt" or a "child" is a state of mind, not how old/young you are. Some people grow up too quickly, others don't at all. It's always good to "feel young". And a hell of a lot better then being mature, snobby and grumpy "just because it's how we're supposed to act at this age".

Go children! :celebration:

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