Mods are coming to consoles eventually but you still need to remember that there will be restrictions. Mods need to be approved before they are allowed to be distributed. That means certain types of mods will never be seen on consoles.
In the end if one wants to enjoy the full joy of modding, the PC version of the game is the only real option. But at least console players are getting something.
Sony has to accept mods. It'd be an incredible competitive disadvantage to disallow mods when their competition (Xbox) is going to allow them.
They'd be morons to reject it IMO, unless if there is something I might be missing in regards to coding difficulty (from PC to PS4).
If Bethesda and sony/microsoft open up an avenue to input mods into consoles, I'm sure some adventurous, talented people will find a way to import even "unapproved" mods through various third party channels.
Of course there will be unofficial methods too. People have been adding mods to console versions of Skyrim using unauthorized methods, Fallout 4 will unlikely be any different case.
yea console mods aren't going to be all that great. Personally the only way it's even remotely going to be good is if they create a App that runs on each console to create mods outside the game itself. If it takes serveral days or weeks to get approval then it just going to turn some people off. Also if it's to hard to make anything for the console people won't bother.
to many restictions will turn people off to console modding.
fyi unofficial mods if caught could get said console and account banned. Depends on MS and PSN. could be clasified as console modding.
How do any of you know anything about what mods will and will not be allowed? Do any of you work for Bethesda or Sony? (Asking seriously not sarcastically.)
So far we've seen a lot of examples of how far the PS4 can be pushed using exploits, and it's pretty darn far.
Bethesda has said that mods will be allowed for the Xbox first, then the PS4 later. Other than that, unless someone actually works for them and is leaking information none of what is said in these type of threads is credible. Nobody can really speculate either since mods have never been allowed before. You have absolutely no information to base a speculation on.
I'm very happy with the game as Bethesda intended it. I'd just like to have access to 'god mode', 'unlimited building supplies', weapons, armor, that sort of thing. But changing the story and graphics and actual game play, I don't even think that should be allowed on PC.
Unless someone has some official word it would probably be a good idea to just go by what they actually have said (which is mods are coming to PS4) and wait until it happens to see the details.
I dont use mods ever. I play vanilla games.
I play my games modded so far that they are not even the same game that the public plays.
Any mod containing advlt content or other questionable stuff (killable children, etc.) won't be allowed. Reasonable, right?
Since script extenders won't be allowed, any mod which requires it to function is out.
Mods which have a significant impact on performance (high res textures, script heavy mods, etc.) are likely not allowed.
The biggest thing I wonder about with mods on consoles is how will mod developers be able to test their mods on the system? Just because it works on pc doesn't mean it won't have an issue on the console.
i'm on PC, have restarted this game a few times and dumped a ton of hours into and still have a lot of content left, i am not using mods yet
i like to try and see everything (or most) of what the game offers before i start modding it; i know some people mod it before they even start playing it xD
plus the creation kit isn't even out yet, so i'd just use this time to explore and get your feel for the game, it's still great even without mods (unless you're one of the people that have a problem with the headbob motion sickness, i feel bad for them)
Simply put because of the limitations of the hardware on consoles. PC hardware/settings can be changed to compensate for any mod, but consoles can not be changed which limits what kind of mod a console can use. plus if you have been on either console for a extended amount of time you know what MS and PSN will allow.
I just found an article with an interview with Todd Howard.
"Just like Skyrim, there are mods that can break your game pretty wildly, and so we have some safety things on the console for that, but at the same time, we are going to let people break their game."
So again, nobody knows, he's not being specific, and we'll just have to wait and see.
Every game on PC has mods and a star destroyer floating awkwardly somewhere on the map. They have a high probability to crash the game completely and you never know if you're downloading some virus. Signed scripts have been vetted and approved by the developer who made the game. Sometimes they come from inside or outside the studio and they're usually not as seemingly cool as the independent ones but like i say independent ones do too much and will crash the system, leak, overload or do who knows what.
Also of course you'd have to play with a keyboard and use wsad keys instead of a controller. There controllers you can plug in but then you're missing all the hot keys and everything else. It is amazing they can put some of these games on console and deliver a similar experience to something that has dozens of keys. You dont notice it but there's a lot you cant do.
Of course mods will come to PS4. The PS4 is crushing it in sales and I believe more copies of Fallout 4 have sold on PlayStation than any other platform simply due to install-base and hype.