Entire game has been dumbed down... Yet you "fan boys" are so delusional.
You'd play in Horse [censored] if it was sold by Bethesda, and call it the greatest horse [censored] ever...
This game isn't even very good, and that doesn't even take into account it has absolutely no re-playability.
And that's it's been dumbed down so bad... There's absolutely no customization, unless you consider the Xbox FPS "perks" system. Give me a [censored] break.
They threw out, character sheets, character dolls, and a plethora of other "stats"...
We all know those "FPS Console Gamers" can't deal with "stats" or "math"... And Bethesda and Microsoft knows, once the Ritalin wears off they can't compete for these kids, their "core demographic"...
Hence, all of us getting a [censored] dumbed down console port...
Do you know what kind of games I enjoy? The fun kind.
I know. I know. It's kind of a revolutionary idea, and it's controversial. But I just enjoy having fun when I play a game. I'm sure I'm in the minority here.
I've played RPGs for years. And I've played all different kinds of RPGs. And you know what
never made sense to me? Arbitrary numbers defining how good I am at something, regardless of what I've done in that game. You know what attracted me to the Elder Scrolls? This crazy idea that
doing something made you better at it. I've been waiting since Morrowind for Bethesda to finally get rid of the last artifacts of D&D roleplaying from the game, because their intended system was always more fun for me.
Everyone who's complaining about how the game has been "dumbed down" seems to think that it's self-evident that attributes and paper dolls were necessary parts of the gaming experience. But I have yet to see a single argument that actually explains
why that is. You just seem to assume that since it's always been there, it has to continue to exist. Now if you have anything valid to contribute to the discussion besides, "Look at all the fans defending the game that I don't like (but still play for hours and hours and hours); they're so stupid,"
feel free to make your point.