There are things I don't like though, such as the lack of clothing customisation compared to Morrowind where you could pick out pretty much everything. Mainly it's annoying because I'm playing a female for the first time this time and she looks silly and pretty cold wearing nothing on her legs. t would be much better if you had the option of wearing skirt / trousers as well as the armour set and it's clearly lies that they sacrificed this to get more NPCs and armour types because there are less than Morrowind. Plus it was fun to explore and quest for a whole set of Deadric or Glass.
One thing that would have been good would have been having your stamina drain slowly in snow storms unless you were wearing fur. They hinted at such years ago when they were first talking about Skyrim, along with the idea of drifting snow and a whole bunch of other stuff but obviously the idea got canned along with so much other cool stuff.
Then there is the fast travel. Admittedly it is way better than Oblivion where there was just no point not using it as there was nothing to discover between key areas but it would have been nice to have had more travel options than "coach" or insta teleport. Part of the fun in Morrowind was figuring out the best way to get to other places via mages, scrolls, boats, striders and more. I was at least expecting coach or dog sled. Related to this I wish they'd put in Mark / Recall too. They say it's so you don't break the dungeons but I say if you break them then tough - it's the gamer's own fault.
I was also hoping for a bit more customization of houses, even if it was just like the Saint's Row 2 style where you can pick elements from 3 sets (though they've got rid of that in the third one, which is a small shame).
I do have other issues with the game too, like the bad UI (and it's bad for console AND PC, not just PC), the over hyped then hashed out elements (snow, graphics, radiant story, size of towns and crafting for example). Overall I am enjoying it but it's sad because had they looked at what people were hoping for (and implemented it) it could easily have been the best game ever made, pleasing both fans and newcomers alike but instead they made some really bad decisions and we get something which has some great elements but generally is not quite as good for the time as Morrowind was (and in some ways still is).