i feel like dialouge is a bit poor for an advlt game i feel the target audiance is young teens, which is not good, that and the short often silly replys, that really dont define your character, they make me wince.
This game has alot of decaptation, both by execution as well as a perk... you really think this game is designed for small kids? It's by far the most advlt content an elderscrolls game ever had, probably besides the nvde npc's of Daggerfall.
talking about the armor degradation. I'm glad it's gone. It was annoying. People say it's unrealistic... But walking with hundred hammers to repair the armor between battles is just as unrealistic (also because a suit of armor isn't repaired by just a hammer)
A big difference there isn't between the menu's and people saying that Morrowind had more information is just nonsense... They just got flashier with more pictures over the years but the amount of text remains the same (Skyrim even has 18 different perktrees, where Oblivion and Morrowind only had the name of the skill/attribute with a number next to it)
Attributes is already discussed enough... They aren't gone just replaced and renamed. Intelligence became Magicka, Endurance Health and Strenght/Agility became Stamina. Willpower was put into items like mage robes to make them usefull again, so instead of punishing the mage to wear armor, they are rewarding those who don't (it's pretty much the same system as the smithing system). Speed got removed (just as agility and acrobatics) because it was a gamebreaking which was unrealistic too. It's way better that runspeed is only influenced by the armor you wear.
and Luck, well, nobody really cared about that, and if you say you do, you're probably just lying.
Spellmaking too was removed simply because it was game-breaking and hard to make with the new spellsystem. spells are now considered as equipment and really flashy by the way, so having to combine spelleffect would have to bring tottaly new animations of say a Fire/Shock combo. There would have gone way to much effort into making all the possible combinations together with all the possible balances. (They have a hard time balancing Smithing/enchanting as it is).
Removal of classes which actually is far from a simplification. The skills are still there, and the -only- thing that's missing is the name of your class in your menu.
Because the classes are gone leveling is actually more complex instead of less.... in the previous Elder Scrolls games you simply choise some skills that form your class and every time your skills gained together 10 points you'd level up.... Now -all- skills are included in the leveling progress with calculations that your higer skills will contribute more to the level up then lower skills. This gives people two new forms of freedom:
1-They can decide to specialize in only two skills, or even ten. depending on how they want to play, and aren't confined by the fact that they either have to drag along 5 skills they could care less about, or that they have to start 3 of those skills very low, and won't let them contribute to your leveling progress.
2-People who decide mid-game to teach a new skill or start neglecting an other aren't skrewed.
And what's more to add?
O yeah:
-Much more inworld content compared to Oblivion, and almost equal amount to Morrowind (more if you consider the fact that technology is much more expensive, harder to make, and everything has to be voiced)
-Houses (something Morrowind had almost not unless you were a member of a Great House (or the EEC in Bloodmoon) which is quiet limiting
-Fast Travel BOTH Oblivion AND Morrowind style
-Quest Markers are OPTIONAL
-Many new books and a rich new lore covering the 200 years after Oblivion with many political parties which are never really considered pure evil
-Voice acting is more and better then any previous game used to be
-ALOT of quests, both radiant and scripted
-Ehm? Dragons, people really don't understand how extraordinary it is how they work and how IMPOSSIBLE they would be in Oblivion/Morrowind