Simplified how? What exactly does the game do that make you think it's treating you like a small child?
Well, just the fact that reality mods are already being done witohut SDK because a good portion of players feel the company makes too easy, non challenging games. But thats the company politic so i don t hope it to change. What i hope the company will change is giving more option to the player to callibrate its gaming experience without having to fiddle in simple stuff like .INI and whatever just to have shadows for example a forther draw distance (the game one is really weak)
here s a small list of examples about how this game has been simplifyed, or is non chalenging.
Everyone start with magic, independent of race or pre setting or achtype. Its just pushed throat down.
You don t choose what you want to be at the beginning anymore its just shoved on you, absolutely no trade off. Win win solution.
Mission description are inexistent, not even the basic, it is assumed by the company that you are an illiterate moron, with ADD and others disoders, so reading its excluded because you wouldn t comprehend the sequences of sentences or even one for what matters.
The only clue is on the spoon feeding idiotic pushed up your rear end compass.
Dungeons are so bright torches or whatever other device are useless, certainly to not scare the little childs. If you try to adjust color, backlight, brithgness contrast etc to what it should be you f.... .P the outdoor settings, I totally gave up and assumed the real reason what to not scare childs, Horriblivion must have had so much complain about: Your game is so dark my kid have mightmares...Facepalm.
Dragons have been made weak, i wasn t even doing the quest when a frost dragon came to attack me near the emptyed unimpressive village capital of the nord, 2 female peasants and a guard took on the dragon and nobody died, extreme facepalm moment. Why bother leveling up if 2 peasants can take on a dragon. What-a-terrible-cre-a-ture... in the reverted sense. Instant reward for kids, no skill demanded.
During combat most of the time, you can dance around your ennemies (whith exceptions (at least that)) if they don t have missile or magic backup without tiring ever...probably so people with inferiority complex or childs can feel good and very potent. There s still a fun factor but.... (facepalm)
Some ennemies dubbed killable only with special weapons (at least ingame) can be killed with normal weapon (no spoilers). Thats not a weak feature, its just bad planning as sneak and Hide and AI limitation haven t been contemplated, leading to an easy but time consuming kill. Just a matter of adjustment. But this was probably done so any foe can be killed by any player, no matter what...sad.
Auto regen, calculated so you ll never probably die unless you do cheat and not even an official option to this new held-you-by-the-hand-feature. If healing is given for free why bother with auto regenerate ? One or the other not both.
Skills, there s so few skills thats there pratically no may to screw up, and choices are straighforward. There s not even secondaries effects on the skills. Won t enter the Attributes argument, now that the game is out and perks are so freaking weak, demonstrating how weak the company is in game feaaturing, it should be brought forward again but it won t because the game is already at XBOX limitation in size, and is was planned tought and calibrated for it. Only hope SDK and modders, but i don t believe they will be able to make something really decent. They would have to recode the entire game, not even sure they can add really needed skills like speed perks and others.
LEVELLING too fast in the 10 first levels, when you get to this lvl you usually have a very advantageous perk that for many lvl will give almost an i win button.
Higgest difficult lvl only add HP to the we got the pin cushion factor again, long and boring battles instead for challenge, what wrong with making AI faster and hit harder ?
Crafting couldn t be more simplistic, its fun at the beginning but get a bit borrrrring after some time no challenge.
Imediate almost free money from the beginning, get rich chopping wood, its totally free, dangerless and allow you to buy a lot of stuff. Add this to smithing, and you easely can get to level 5 just doing woodchop and smith. (it ain t bad, just too easy too quick, where s the decreasing valour of goods annouced in the hyping fase?)
You can run like a chicken all day long... without ever tyring...same a Horriblivion....sad.
Ho yeah, you canaxe anything on the game just because its there, onteresting conversation or whatever probing is useless as 90% of skyrim pop outside cities villages or whatever are hostiles...
Mission are given in a dumb shallow way, and your answears have not much results, nor any consequences in the game, its the way so that people won t, no CAN T ever screw a mission, there s was too much complain in Morrowind like: "I killed the quest giver i can t complete the mission, Buaaaaaaa, now i will have to go to shrink for 5 years... buaaa i can t deal with my acts...buaaa please do a no loosing game buaaa.... Skyrim is almost there...90% done so player can t get any kind of frustration... lol frustrating.
I could go on but this give no pleasure, just make me sad.