Simplified how? What exactly does the game do that make you think it's treating you like a small child?
- All magic tree's has been utterly murdered and the class of pure mage itself aswell and at higher levels severely underpowered and doesnt allow the player to utilize spells as they have been removed like earlier TES games.
- No attributes that made character creation challanging and adding depth.
- Quests are super simple and requires no real intelligence to complete at all. Unlike forexample Morrowind when u had to be at certain places at certain times or puzzles that were hard and might have required something.
- Blacksmithing, Enchanting & Alchemy is overpowered and makes the game waaaay too easy and something people are unaware of with their first characters. Cant blame the unknowing.
- Quests show you where to go and what you should do to complete them.
Skyrim is by far the easiest game in the series. I was hoping for a challenge but instead i got everything served on a plate.
Everything is simplified and i agree its sad that TES that was the RPG players retreat from the console generation action rpgs seems quite lost. Oblivion was a simplified Morrowind Especially quests and figuring out things in the game as they are pretty much just handed to you with quest marks and explanations.