I feel Ripped Off (Sorry Moderators I know this is getting L

Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:07 pm

About the Do you Feel Ripped Off Post,

I am completely in agreement, this is painful to play at times (But not painful enough to not give it a second or even third play-through), moreover they took many of the things that made Fallout 3 great and over thought them in New Vegas. Like crafting for example, Fallout 3 had it perfect, find a blue print, find some stuff, hit up a work bench and POOF there is something useful, New Vegas over complicates this, find some stuff, get some the right combination of skills (or the right companion) find the right place (of the 3 types) and then you can get something that is possibly useful, and while I think the new system is good it is not as good as Fallout 3's (In my opinion).

Also would be nice to add a perk per level, even if a future dlc adds 10 levels and allows for a perk every level between 30 and 40 we will get 5 less perks than we had in fallout 3, I guess they thought those lame xp based perks would make up for the difference (Day Tripper, who cares!).

Power Armor training, NOT even worth mentioning it, so not worth the EXTREME effort required.

All in all I give the game a 6-7 out of 10 at best. I am hoping that the dlc offered makes up for the initial content.

I hoped the game would live up to the Hype; which was substantial during the long wait, I guess that was too much to ask.

It is also Hilarius that the moderators lock ANY and ALL negitive threads, I guess the truth hurts!
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Iain Lamb
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:46 am

Oh come on, extreme effort to get the power armor? It only took me a few hours. Mostly because some of the places they want you to go I havent been to yet. Glad I went there though. I got lots of new goodies and more side quests. It should be hard to get the power armor. Its the best armor in the game.
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:23 am

I hear opinions are facts. Can anyone confirm/deny?

I feel the game is better executed than FO3, has more interesting charachters, and is in a much more believable 'world.'

Also, my sister's cousin's best friend's roommate is purple. Your argument is invalid.
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:55 am

Myself, I am loving it. About 40 hours and and I have not even hit the strip. Lives up to the hype for me.
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:21 am

It is also Hilarius that the moderators lock ANY and ALL negitive threads, I guess the truth hurts

That's not true, I had a 'negative' thread about fallout new vegas regarding the exploration versus roleplaying aspect of both games. It didn't get locked and reached 10 pages, as long as you remain constructive and don't troll ( and don't say stuff as: I feel ripped off) they won't lock your thread.
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:38 am

It is also Hilarius that the moderators lock ANY and ALL negitive threads, I guess the truth hurts!

They closed the previous thread temporarily for clean-upl, because people got nasty towards each other.
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Maria Garcia
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:27 am

About the Do you Feel Ripped Off Post,

I am completely in agreement, this is painful to play at times (But not painful enough to not give it a second or even third play-through), moreover they took many of the things that made Fallout 3 great and over thought them in New Vegas. Like crafting for example, Fallout 3 had it perfect, find a blue print, find some stuff, hit up a work bench and POOF there is something useful, New Vegas over complicates this, find some stuff, get some the right combination of skills (or the right companion) find the right place (of the 3 types) and then you can get something that is possibly useful, and while I think the new system is good it is not as good as Fallout 3's (In my opinion).

I like it. You can't make powerful stuff early, makes it more worthwhile in the long run

Also would be nice to add a perk per level, even if a future dlc adds 10 levels and allows for a perk every level between 30 and 40 we will get 5 less perks than we had in fallout 3, I guess they thought those lame xp based perks would make up for the difference (Day Tripper, who cares!).

Originals were a perk every three levels. They changed it so you didn't become overpowered again

Power Armor training, NOT even worth mentioning it, so not worth the EXTREME effort required.

Considering how powerful Power Armour tends to be anyways, thats a good thing

All in all I give the game a 6-7 out of 10 at best. I am hoping that the dlc offered makes up for the initial content.

I hoped the game would live up to the Hype; which was substantial during the long wait, I guess that was too much to ask.

It is also Hilarius that the moderators lock ANY and ALL negitive threads, I guess the truth hurts!

Wrong, plenty of negative threads around. they are locked because...
A) It's a duplicated thread/subject

B ) IT went spammy/flammey

C) It was just a rant

D) Hit the post limit
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Naughty not Nice
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:26 am

Making a thread about a closed topic is not permitted, especially when it specifically says "Closed for clean up" which is being done at the moment as there were a lot of rude posts and flaming creeping in.

We do not close negative topics - perhaps the OP has not looked at the forum, or perhaps only seen what he wants to see.
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Jordan Fletcher
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