» Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:58 pm
Great ideas, OP and others. I am certain that we need minigames for all this.
Eating: point of this minigame is to put the fork with a food in your mouth, from 1st person perspective. If you miss, you take damage. Beware of forks made of "strong" materials, like Ebony or Daedric. And be very afraid of enchanted forks. Only the most powerful adventurers would dare to eat their venison with Daedric Fork of 30 Fire Damage per hit and additional Soul Trap effect, which is handy, because there is a little Black Soul Gem in its handle.
Defecating: basically, you need to drop your feces in the middle of the toilet, and do not miss and make it all dirty. Here gameplay goes first, and realism should be put to the side. Basically camera for this game is located right... there, where you have to drop your excrements. With a crosshair in the centre of the screen, which you must align with your, well, back passage. By the way, real world astronauts do train their orbital potty skills almost exactly so, only with real rectum, but with camera and all that! Fun and profit.
Toenail polishing: it's easy. Your foot is rendered in beautiful 3d and then you have to polish toenail with file, controlled manually. If there are misses, you take damage and probably penalty to speed. Again, beware of enchanted files.
Clothes washing: there are no washing machines outside of some Dwemer ruins in Tamriel, so you'll have to do this manually. With a washboard. This time you won't get any damage, but process is kinda long, and you got to have enough stamina, and you lose it if you make mistakes in minigame. It is easy, though: up and down, up and down. If you svck at it and lose all your stamina, you are losing your consciousness for an hour.
Continue, please. This topic should become... fabulous.