Feline + Silencer Class is OP

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:36 am

Mobility Enhance + Stealth Enhance + Energy Transfer

You know this combination is cheesy as hell. Everything about it is OP. These players just literally run around constantly cloaked destroying everything with no downtime. And don't tell me that I don't know how to play or some BS like that, keep that crap out of here. If you play this game enough you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

Great Example. I just played 8 games with 2 people doing the exact same thing. Well 3 really, but the third one was using a silenced scarab instead (obviously his score wasn't as ridiculous). They always scored at least a 3:1 K/D. Usually more than 12 kills and 4 or less deaths. Then at least 50% of the opposing team would simply leave because of how retarded it was.

If you play this game enough and you're not one of these tools you know exactly what I'm talking about and how often this happens.

Something needs to be done to fix this crap. I would suggest making the feline less effective and Energy Transfer as well (which by reading the modules description you can guess pretty easily that it is screaming to be abused).

Please stay Cloaked while I raqe you with my Armor Enhance and Cloak Tracker.
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Mélida Brunet
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:13 am

imo, need to nerf shotties. i shouldnt be getting one shotted with full hp and armor, almost no weapons do that except explosives.
You're probably the first person to actually complain about Shotties being OP. In any FPS.

Modern Warfare 2 had extremely overpowered shotguns for a long time.
The only shottie from MW2 that came even close to OP was the Model 1887. And those were only because you could equip shotties as secondaries. If you only akimbo'd those shotties as your primary, I can guarantee you will have a bad time.
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Jack Moves
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:55 am

The cloak tracker is seriously bad. You are better off looking for the shadow and the quite obvious outline.
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Nitol Ahmed
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