Feline + Silencer Class is OP

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:48 am

Mobility Enhance + Stealth Enhance + Energy Transfer

You know this combination is cheesy as hell. Everything about it is OP. These players just literally run around constantly cloaked destroying everything with no downtime. And don't tell me that I don't know how to play or some BS like that, keep that crap out of here. If you play this game enough you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

Great Example. I just played 8 games with 2 people doing the exact same thing. Well 3 really, but the third one was using a silenced scarab instead (obviously his score wasn't as ridiculous). They always scored at least a 3:1 K/D. Usually more than 12 kills and 4 or less deaths. Then at least 50% of the opposing team would simply leave because of how retarded it was.

If you play this game enough and you're not one of these tools you know exactly what I'm talking about and how often this happens.

Something needs to be done to fix this crap. I would suggest making the feline less effective and Energy Transfer as well (which by reading the modules description you can guess pretty easily that it is screaming to be abused).
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:53 am

Its overused but not much more. Really what needs to be done is to boost Cloak tracker A LOT. Make it so you can see the damn cloak person when there in range of you say like 20 meters. And each level makes them easier too see. It seems that crytek UK though people would cloak and camp. While the metagame is quite the reverse. People cloack AND RUN. Hence the clock tracker would work against camping cloakers but in the game right now the tracker is useless. Because is was only designed to help camping cloakers not ON THE MOVE ONES.
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:29 pm

I just use cloak tracker 3 full games and only saw it function 1 time. It definitely needs to be fixed. But so does so many things in this game. Just about every game I've played recently has been crap just because the masses of bugs (can't even begin to list how many there are) and connection issues (everyone in games lag except for host, game seems to pick the worst possible host/games to join). Thats besides the abuse of this garbage. And the sad part is, most of the most OBVIOUS bugs in this game still have not been fixed, not have any of them really. This is just a great concept/design for a game programed by a bunch of idiots.
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:20 am

I used to play like that sometimes, and I realised it was too easy to get kills, although what I use is Air Stomp + Covert Ops + Mobility and its getting boring, and what do you think if I use the 3 modules mentioned earlier with Marshall, using almost no cloak and run around, does that make me a fool cos I get almost a K/d of 3 everytime I use it :(
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John N
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:31 pm

This is what you get for selling out and using a CoD system. People will always find the most effective combinations.

But still, quit whining it's always going to beat you no matter how much they nerf it. It has a high rate of fire and is made for CQC. If you're dumb enough to let people sneak up on you, you deserve to die, and if you engage them at mid range you should slaughter them with the SCAR or SCARAB.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:04 pm

I don't think it's that OP. From time to time, I have a K/D of 7, sometimes a K/D of 0.9, sometimes a K/D of 3 and sometimes a K/D of 9+. With both SCARAB and Feline. When I svck at playing, I have a low K/D. With svck, I mean, if it isn't fun to me. That's a bit difficult to explain..let's say, sometimes I am on a killing spree (and I'm feeling awesome in RL, lol) and have a K/D of 7+, and sometimes I am bored and sad (whatever the reason), and then I svck. No matter my equipment, I use Air Stomp (nearly useless but COOOOL!!), Stealth Enhance and Retriever.
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Amy Smith
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:44 pm

Mickey, you're not very bright if you don't see the problem with what you're saying. I'm not going to explain since its a waste of time to point out your idiocy.

This combo pretty much works with every weapon. Sprint cloaked, kill someone, energy gets recharged. Repeat process.

Unless you are setting 2 feet from your screen and max brightness to see cloaked players as well as sit in a corner to not get flanked or rear ended, you will get destroyed. It's as simple as that.

Either the most effective tools in this cheesy BS need to be weakened slightly or Armor mode needs to be buffed so these tools will have little chance against noncloakers unless they get the jump on them from behind.
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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:33 pm

Go ahead, point out my idiocy. I have no trouble seeing cloaked players at all 90+% of the time (and I play on PS3).

I rarely get killed by felines because I see them far enough away that I can do something about it.

As for being flanked, that's irrelevant. You'd be killed by any weapon from behind, whether it's OP or not.

You either need glasses or a better TV
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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:57 am

I have to admit, I'm one of the players that uses Energy Transfer III and Stealth Enhance III, and I do quite well because of it. However, that's just one overused playstyle because it's so effective for so many players. Me and my friends play on PC, and because we play with headphones, we use Covert Ops III to listen for footsteps. It's possible to counter the cloakers and get the jump on them, but it requires a drastic change in playstyle because you can't sprint and cloak as often and for as long. It essentially becomes a slower-paced game, but if you're a good player you can still perform well without having to resort to cheesy combinations.

I've seen other players try to adopt the Energy Transfer III and Stealth Enhance III combination, but they still get dominated because they're just flat-out bad players. If you're already a decent player, Energy Transfer III and Stealth Enhance III only serve to enhance your ability so that it seems OP, but it doesn't make a bad player good.
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:19 pm

I've seen other players try to adopt the Energy Transfer III and Stealth Enhance III combination, but they still get dominated because they're just flat-out bad players. If you're already a decent player, Energy Transfer III and Stealth Enhance III only serve to enhance your ability so that it seems OP, but it doesn't make a bad player good.

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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:22 am

Do what I did.... try to max out all your modules. It'll make you ALOT better at the game when you're not depending on a particular setup, and you may even find new setups that are very effective...

For example, I've come to find that Retriever is very OP, especially on maps with orbital strike + ceph gunship. Armor enhance does make the difference between a kill and a death, and stealth isn't necessary to do well. Seriously, instead of saying "waa this is OP too many people are using it." use it as motivation to outperform people relying on a crutch to win.
This generation is absolutely terrible at trying to better itself.
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:10 am

Sincor, this is what I do. I've found more effective setups than others, but when I max the module out I move to others. But the problem I see is mainly that these enemies have no downtime and it gets increasingly difficult to see them. Some of the modules that are meant to counter them, such as cloak tracer (which is next to worthless), just aren't very effective at countering this tactic.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:08 pm

Sincor, this is what I do. I've found more effective setups than others, but when I max the module out I move to others. But the problem I see is mainly that these enemies have no downtime and it gets increasingly difficult to see them. Some of the modules that are meant to counter them, such as cloak tracer (which is next to worthless), just aren't very effective at countering this tactic.

This ^

I am looking forward this summer leveling up detonation delay for epic WTF moments on crash site.(my gaming pc is at home.) Also Bullet tracer and visor enhanced(such a under rated module) pretty much means I SEE YOU.
You can turn the game into an epic supersolder duel just by not cloaking 24/7, PARKOUR MOAR, and trying weird things out.(like a pistol run and gun class FTW aka THE FISTOL)

Really, I think the module balance is good only the Steath tracker and tracker modules need buffed(to make those cloak runners total fools.). Everything else has its place. Oh and AIR STOMP FTW.(You noobs do not realize the power of that module.)
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:18 pm

I love this community. First people complained about how low the feline's damage was and wanted a buff. Now they're complaining again. I think people need to get a reality check before they start saying that the in-game music is OP because it's composed by Hans Zimmer.
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Grace Francis
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:24 am

I love this community. First people complained about how low the feline's damage was and wanted a buff. Now they're complaining again. I think people need to get a reality check before they start saying that the in-game music is OP because it's composed by Hans Zimmer.

This ^ made my day :D
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:11 pm

I love this community. First people complained about how low the feline's damage was and wanted a buff. Now they're complaining again. I think people need to get a reality check before they start saying that the in-game music is OP because it's composed by Hans Zimmer.

Err, whoever complained about the Feline being underpowered? It, along with the SCAR and SCARAB, has been long since recognized as a top tier weapon.

No really, post some quotes from the community saying the Feline is underpowered.
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Emilie M
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:01 pm

I love this community. First people complained about how low the feline's damage was and wanted a buff. Now they're complaining again. I think people need to get a reality check before they start saying that the in-game music is OP because it's composed by Hans Zimmer.

Err, whoever complained about the Feline being underpowered? It, along with the SCAR and SCARAB, has been long since recognized as a top tier weapon.

No really, post some quotes from the community saying the Feline is underpowered.

Wow, epic fail on my part. Everyone keeps mentioning the Grendel and the Feline being under/overpowered that now I'm getting the two guns mixed up. Wow, how the hell did I screw this one up? Sorry, mate.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:20 am

imo, need to nerf shotties. i shouldnt be getting one shotted with full hp and armor, almost no weapons do that except explosives.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:30 am

imo, need to nerf shotties. i shouldnt be getting one shotted with full hp and armor, almost no weapons do that except explosives.
Now this is one weapon where people were constantly complaining it's underpowered. Especially the Marshall, which couldn't hit the broad side of a barn at ten paces.
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:15 am

imo, need to nerf shotties. i shouldnt be getting one shotted with full hp and armor, almost no weapons do that except explosives.
You're probably the first person to actually complain about Shotties being OP. In any FPS.
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:19 am

The feline alone is not OP. The class being talked about is OP. The feline is just the best weapon for the class.
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sunny lovett
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:06 am

imo, need to nerf shotties. i shouldnt be getting one shotted with full hp and armor, almost no weapons do that except explosives.
You're probably the first person to actually complain about Shotties being OP. In any FPS.

Umm I agree except that that damn NS2000 in BC2..... sometimes it kills a crazy ranges with BUCK SHOT.
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:59 pm

I don't get it, I have no problems spotting cloaked enemies. I use nano vision constantly and they show up as light blue. You just have to learn how.
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Marta Wolko
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:03 pm

it takes around 1 jackal mag to kill somebody? haven't used marshall yet... headshots and body shots are overpowered considering you are already wearing some armor and armor mode increases resistance... or maybe thats just auto aim...
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john page
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:41 pm

imo, need to nerf shotties. i shouldnt be getting one shotted with full hp and armor, almost no weapons do that except explosives.
You're probably the first person to actually complain about Shotties being OP. In any FPS.

Modern Warfare 2 had extremely overpowered shotguns for a long time.
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