Most definitely. I've started at least two different fictions and never completed them because I lost motivation. Motivation comes in spurts for me; I've made entire characters, from the conceptual stage to a finished sheet in one night, yet other times I flounder to even put together a single coherent paragraph.
For me, though, there also is the fact that I am, admittedly, a perfectionist bastard. As such, I have had what others call a perfectly good chapter but failed to actually start a thread because it didn't look
just so to me. I see flaws but no solution or fix, I get frustrated, I give up. Not sure if that's a factor for you, Nova, but I know it gets under my feet a lot; I swear that I click Preview Post
at least four times before it hit Add Reply when just making an RP post to tweak it to my satisfaction, and then I still usually make an edit or two after. Imagine that on a novel-sized scale.. :banghead: