I dont understand you guys, The only UI they have shown is the Xbox versions, therefore it is suited to the Xbox. Now Todd has already said that the PC and PS3 version are getting their own unique versions of the UI and interface to suit their particular controller and settup so how can you sit here and speculate over the Xbox versions compared to the PC versions that we haven't even seen yet?
I'd say the interface this time around is a lot more dynamic simply in how we have status bars fading in/out of view, item sorting, etc. so it may be more difficult, nay, more time consuming for Bethesda to rework it and do it proper justice. For example, how would you fly through the perk trees? Could you click with the mouse to jump to them quickly, or is it some cumbersome click-and-drag/arrow key affair? There's far more to it this time than simply scrolling through tabs and lists left/right and up/down.
Considering that they assigned 10-something people to explicitly working on the dragons for the game, I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised with some radical innovations in the PC interface, but in the meantime there's not much to go by.