Uh, is that a joke? There is no progress bar showing how far along your skills are to leveling up LOL. That's the most atrocious photoshop job I've ever seen.
Not to mention it's blurry as all hell making it look extremely intrusive. The UI does not look like that. Sorry.
And, you people seem to be forgetting something. The UI disappears when you're not using it.
Eh? Photoshop? i took it from http://www.youtube.com/user/Wind0fChang3#p/a/u/1/gz7LPG5jxBI 0:41 a screenshot of the video ... what are you talking about? :shakehead:
You can tell Bethesda about their atrocious photoshop skills because that is ingame...i didn't fake anything i have no need or reason to do so...The lvl progress bar is ingame you really should see the video

Please take a look at the video before jumping at me as a faker