* We crush wood elf skulls,
splatter thier brains on the floor
Hear that Orc, his nose is making a snore!
Let's grab him by his tusks, give him a little twirl
And make him cry like a itty bitty girl.
Woah look at that maid, Argonian indeed.
Spend a little time in bed and kill her in her sleep!
Watch out for Redguards, they'll steal your stuff
But we'll kill em all anyways, since we are more buff.
Imperials think they're all that, but really they're not.
We'll throw em in their arenas and make them ROT.
Khajiits just lick their n**s and pur all day long,
That's why the race will be dead by the end of this song!
Stupid High Elves, they're so ugly, lame, and yellow.
Let's bring Godzilla to squeeze em like a marshmellow. (lolseewutididthere)
Dunmers look like short little demons, with their eyes all red
So lets rip them out, and decapitate their head!
Finally Bretons, with their little staves and robes,
Let's kill them all and pike their heads all around the globe!
Oh Tamriel, give us a challenging threat!
We're the dominate race, all the others are like our pets!*
We will rule Tamriel! Hoo Rahh