it would not of given picking females a special game advantage unless the light class is OP. People would complain about being forced to play a female charecter to play a light charecter, but their complaints would be a fraction as valid as the curent complaints about being forced to play as a male. they have to make animations for each build i'm sure, i doubt if at the beginning they wanted the light build to be female, that it would of taken any more resources. its not about half assing it, its about giving more people what they want while not increasing the work load of the developers by using common sense.
SD wanted females to be a purely cosmetic choice, and not have it affect gameplay. Besides, outfits are not limited to any one body type, so you still have the issue with them having to make a whole new line of clothing for females at the cost of variety.
"Richard Ham: From the outset, we wanted to create a character customization system that was so deep and varied that you would never run into another player that looked exactly like you. As we got deeper into development, we were faced with an incredibly tough choice: massively cut back the amount of customization options as well as the quality of the assets, or cut female models.
Ultimately, we didn’t want to compromise our initial vision of having incredibly varied character customization without hurting the artistic quality, so we decided to only focus on male customization and make that the best we possibly can. This was a very, very hard decision for us to make, but we feel that it was the right one for the overall quality of the game."
Very early on, the devs decided that it would be better to cut any ideas that would compromise their original vision rather than let anything drag the game down. Having psudo-unique characters was part of the vision, being female was not.
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