Just going by some post here. Why does a female Elvis impersonator have to be homosixual? I don't see how homosixuality has anything to do with it. Many women like Elvis so it stands to reason some would want to impersonate him.
Does not matter if Women were impersonating Elvis openly in the 1950s. That was over 200 years ago "fallout time."
I agree Styles, you're right absolutely.
Many see Drag as homosixuality, it's a stereotype at best.
I don't want to go heavily into the subject as it will just get this locked.
Just that typically a man that dresses as a woman is more likely to be straight, especially if it's for a job.
Or simply impersonist does not equal transvestite which in turn does not equal homosixual, each is a far different life style than the other.
As to Tabitha, super mutants are asixual, sterile and can't reproduce in any normal way.
Some however still retain memories of their past life, so Tabitha was a woman before being a mutant.
This combined with the affliction of being a nightkin, and truma of her friend breaking down led to a psychotic break in personality.
None of which was explained before release due to the secret nature of game release.
Which made it seem like it was a cheap joke about a man in a wig being crazy to some that had no experience about the FO universe.