[quote]OK people, this started as a harmless thread with a suggestion, its a considaration, and deserves to be treat as such.
If you consider this, please!
Back in the 70s the Danish Army had a male/female recruit ratio of 70-30, those girls were all battle trained, and ready to fight alonside there brothers in arms, they were all very much as physically capable as the male counterpart.
I see presumption that all women are petite curvy careing creatures, who should stay at home and do just that, when this is not the case at all.
Size and phisical build went out of the window ages ago, and I know some guys that do actually stay at home and do the caring, and some guys that have the physical build od a whimp.
If we all knew the numbers of female players, I think you would get a big shock, and I see no reason whatever to suggest that girls should not play games, its thier right as much as it is yours.
There is no need whatever for sixist comments to come into play here, we are all fellow gamers, and as much as I accept now that consoles will be a part of the communtiy, everyone should accept that girls have been, and always will be a part of this gaming community.
The strenght and power is a suit feature, and not the person inside the suit, we the players, utilise those features as if we wear the suit.
I really dont wish to see any further sixist issues arising from this thread, And I will always have the greatest respect for the women who are currently serving in the armed forces.
These women put their lives on the line for us just as the guys do, women are fitting into every part of real life, so please people. show a little respect here for your fellow gamers, !!!!

[/quote]However you want to put it. Males are Physically stronger and Make the best Kick ass hardcoe Bad-ass's