I am about to throw in the towel with Fallout 4 and call it a waste of time and money. Building houses...shacks and those [censored] fences are just too, too much. What the hell were you thinking Bethesda? It is a game spoiler.
I have watched several videos on Youtube.com on how have others have used different techniques, but I personally cannot get them to work. I tried the floor mate trick, but it did not work for me. Neither did using the console to type in TFC...or whatever the code is to...take down the Invisible walls: But, that did not work either.
The truth be told I have to stop playing Fallout 4 until Bethesda fixes this [censored].....if in fact they do.....because it is causing me a great deal stress: And, at my age I don't need a heart attack or a stroke, due to a video game. Jesus Christ!