<!-- Crosshair (def. 1,0) --> <_chvisible> 0
_chvisible can be changed in-game within the DarnUI interface config. Can OBSE handle such a variable in some way?
ScriptName ToggleCrosshairfloat fQuestDelayTimeshort chvisibleBegin GameModeset fQuestDelayTime to .01if ( IsKeyPressed3 52 ) set chvisible to 1 Message "Crosshair is on, current value is %.0f", chvisible, 10; code to set _chvisible to 1 as wellendifif ( IsKeyPressed3 51 ) set chvisible to 0 Message "Crosshair is off, current value is %.0f", chvisible, 10; code to set _chvisible to 0 as wellendifEnd