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The Elder Scrolls IV
Feudal Empire | 1.11
Plug-In By,
-Cleitanious (Aka, Marine Okeefe, Modder 300, ByblosHex)
White Stallion Tapestry by,
-Sammy Grey
Knight's Blade Textures by,
Captain's Hall design by,
Beta Testing and Support by,
Ideas and Input by,
Installation instructions
1- Place the "Feudal Empire 300.esp" file into your "Oblivion/Data" folder.
If asks to overwrite, choose "Yes".
2- When launching the game, select data files and click "Feudal Empire 300.esp".
3- Launch the game.
4- Go see the Count in Leyawiin and ask about "A Service to Leyawiin"
Important Notes, Please read these:
a. To make Mazoga Essential if she is not in your save game open the console with the ~ key, and enter this code "SetEssential 00085969 1"
b. In order to reach Blackbow Stronghold you need to disable "Border Regions". Open your Oblivion.ini located in "C:\Documents and Settings\USER NAME\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion" search for Border and change the result's 1 to a 0.
c. To skip the whole "Mazoga - Knights of the White Stallion" Quest-Lines, as if you had already done all of the quests. Open the console and use the command "Startquest WSQuestSkip". This will finish ALL of the KWS Quests, and the Mazoga quests and give you all of the rewards immediately.
*Updating from Knights of the White Stallion 4.4*
1 - When updating from any version of "Knights of the White Stallion" it is mandatory that you follow these steps. Otherwise if this is your first time using this plug-in, you would install it as any other.
a. Collect all of your items from within the Lodge, anything you want to keep. Use the console command "TGM" to enable unlimited carrying capacity to make this easier.
b. Save your game and then Disable the White Stallion esp.
c. Load your save with it disabled and then save your game with it disabled.
d. Place the *.esp & *esm files into your "Oblivion/Data" folder. If asks to overwrite, choose "Yes".
e. When launching the game, select the data files and double click this mod.
Mod Description
Feudal Empire, 300 General:
Ignore the handle "300" as it has nothing to do with the movie, or Spartans, it's simply a modding handle I've used since my most popular Morrowind mod, "Lights 300" which was named so because the most commonly used light radius was 300.
Now, beyond the history lesson, the mod itself aims to change the empire to use a more "feudal" system. For a world with the word knight thrown around so carelessly it's sorely lacking in any feudalism, that and there are also counts and counties who also are somehow without the system of feudalism. This is a mod that aims to change that, one bit at a time.
At this time the only changes made are the appearance of Imperial Guards. No longer do they wear their bulky, rusty, Romanesque partial plate, but wear chain and tabard with the Imperial Dragon in the center.
Knights of the White Stallion Faction:
This mod takes Mazoga the Orc's story to a new level. It adds new quests, dungeons, weapons, and armor, all focusing on the Knights of the White Stallion. The new quests and dungeons focus on dramatically expanding the Knights' conflict with the Black Bow bandits, as well as making both the Knights and the Black Bow more vibrant and interesting. Learn why Count Leyawiin hates the Bandits so much. Save the Count's missing daughter. Confront the Black Bow leader, Gafgarian The Black. Gain your own White Stallion mount and perhaps even become captain of the Knights, giving you access to the Captain's Hall and a special Hollowed Minotaur's Horn that can be blown to call your mighty steed. The White Stallion Lodge is dramatically expanded and remade. A roaring good time for good-guy types.
-Summary by Dev_Akm
Since version 3 was released, alot has changed. Since the Shivering Isles expansion pack broke the entire quest-line and since CM Parters had to be removed. I "Cleitanious" had to do what I have never done before, script. I had to script entire scripts from nothing, and this is the end result. I present to you "Knights of the White Stallion 4". Which is by far the best version so far. Because of the huge amount of changes made you MUST make a clean save with NO "KotWS" plug-ins enabled, and then once you install and enable 4, you can begin the quests. They work alot differently then before, so expect to be surprised. Also a lot has changed in the Readme itself - even if it looks similar. So READ IT.
New Quests:
-Black Bow collection quest, Implemented.
--Collect 20 black Bows and receive a "Knight's Blade".
---If you are unsure where Black Bows can be found, follow Mazoga on her hunting trips to see which dungeons house the Black bandits. These dungeons are some of the best in the game and reset every three days for more Black Bow Goodness!
--Collect a second set of 20 to get your very own White Stallion & the opportunity to go on a personal quest for The Count.
-Become the Knight-Captain of the order
--Travel to Blackbow Stronghold in search of the Count's missing daughter and the chance to be promoted to the Captain and gain access to the Captain's hall!
---To start this quest, you must complete the "Black Bow Collection" quest, and turn in 40 bows.
New Dungeon:
-Black Bow Hold is a new "Castle styled Dungeon" found along the southern coast southwest fo Leyawiin. Its occupied with the remnant of the Black Bow Bandits and their true leader! The Black Bow may be found here, along with the reason as to why the Count Leyawiin hates the Bandits so much. It Includes:
--The Black Bow bandit's leader, Gafgarian The Black.
--The Black Bow.
--A 3 Level Castle style Dungeon.
--Over a dozen Black Bow Bandits guarding the fortress.
--4 New Black Bow bandits added to where you find all Black Bow bandits.
--2 Bosses.
White Stallion Lodge Remade:
-Much larger inside and out, with 100% Leyawiin architecture.
--Includes stables out back.
--Includes 5 Knights and 3 Squires who follow your commands.
--Exterior size doubled to include the Captain's hall.
-All containers are safe for player storage.
-Lodge Rooms Inlcude:
--Main Hall, with Office, Dining Room.
--Training room with storage and trophy room.
--2 Large self-contained barracks & a Sergeant's Quarters.
-The Captain's Hall includes
--Main hall, with Shrines to Zenithar and the Nine divines to recieve your blessings. A Dining area and bedroom complete with labeled containers.
--Basemant with Mage's Office and Warrior's Training room.
--Trophy room with multi-colored and organized display cases and two large tables with the "Knight's Blade" "Knight's Avenger" "Knight's Claymore" and "Knight's Longsword" Unique Weapons collection.
-Call your white Stallion with a blast from your Hollowed Minotaur's horn as Knight-Captain.
-New White Stallion Tapestry present in several loctaions within the Lodge and Captain's Hall.
New Weapons and Armor:
-New set of armor "White Stallion Cuirass" in both light/heavy versions.
--Heavy armor is slightly better then legion and the light armor is slightly better then Guard's armor.
--The armor is found in the Office room of White Stallion Lodge.
-The Black Bow & Blackthorn
--An enchanted charcoal colored bow and longsword are weilded by the leader of the Black Bow bandits in his lair.
-The Knight's Blade
--The "Knight's Blade" will be rewarded to you when you turn in 20 Black Bows. It is a very well made Steel-Longsword.
-The Captain's Gear
--"Knight's Avenger" "Knight's Claymore" and "Knight's Longsword" Added to Captain's hall Trophy Room. All three swords have slightly different stats.
--"Aegis of Leyawiin" Heavy Shield Added to Captain's hall Trophy Room.
---The shield is a weaker version of the "Spellbreaker" daedric Artifact.
--Knight Captain's Armor, with a new texture using the Crusaders armor Mesh (Requires KotN to be installed, but not active)
--Knight Captain's Helmet
Faction Perks:
-Citizens of Leyawiin have improved disposition with Knights of the White Stallion.
-Knights of the White Stallion pay slightly reduced fines.
The Knights & Squires:
-Sir Gailer Ramuald, Imperial Knight
-Sir Radd Hard-Heart, Nord Knight
-Sir Kael-Tharious, Altmer Spell-Sword
-Sir Rampart The Blind, Bosmer Rogue
-Sir Baratan Faenthand, Imperial Knight and Blacksmith
-Squire Ramziah, Imperial Thief
-Squire Weigrafious, Imperial Warrior
-Squire Vincent Mirna, Breton Warlock
-Guard Dog "Jean" who guards the Horses and follows Rampart on thie hunting missions
--All Knights eat Breakfast, Dinner, chat in the evenings, train in the mornings. They will spend the morning in the Chapel in Leyawiin on Sundays, each go to their favorite shop on Saturdays and guard the lodge on Fridays. Follow them around and see what they do and where they like to shop. They also have rotating Guard Duty.
Black Bandit Raids:
On a weekly basis 2 Black Bow raiding parties will try to attack the lodge.
The Lodge's occupants will be prepared to defend the lodge!
Version History
"Knights of the White Stallion Lodge" given an exterior remodel, and is now "White Stallion Castle". Check it out!
Incorporated my own "Knights of the White Stallion mod" for consistency and to prevent the inevitable compatibility issues.
Initial Release
Contact Info
Questions/Comments and fellow modders welcome to contact me at
ByblosHex At
By downloading and installing this plug-in you agree to the following.
1) You will not sell any of the contents of this archive or the archive as a whole.
2) You will not share or otherwise redistribute any of the archive's contents or the archive as a whole without permission form the author.
3) You will read the Readme.
Expect to see my works in Dragon Age: Origins.