I have noticed some very odd behaviour in the game over the years of playing it but a few things still elude my reasoning.
Bandits for example, it doesn't seem to matter if you are the richest, most jewlery laden fool in the world, they are more interested in butchering your horse than robbing you. What gives, out of all the things in the game this is possibly for me, one of the most annoying.
I have also found the thieves guild recruitment a bit odd as well. Considering they do not condone murder, armand even says 'we are not the dark brotherhood.' so why then do they want to recruit me when I have been jailed for over one hundred days for mass genocide?
Ideally I want to search for mods to fix the above little annoyances, if anyone knows any then please post or pm me
Now onto guards/imperial legion, one thing that always makes me laugh is when I choose to pay my gold fine, instead of resisting or going to jail. The guard will usually say 'I was hopping you would resist arrest' Really??? do you really want me to resist? a level 35 vampire god, i am sure it will end well for you if I resist... not.
Also as a final note does anyone know where the chamber pots are being hidden as my character really needs to go... um yeah you get the drift.