Now, I have always been a fan of Bethesda's games, since Morrowind I have bigged up Bethesda for its aamazing creations. Morrowind is still the king of rpgs in my opinion, Oblivion was epic, although it did feel like a slightly dumbed down version of Morrowind (the signature of a forum member i saw somwhere described it best... "Oblivion is a playground, Morrowind is home") Fallout 3 was also another epic title.
Now... With Fallout New Vegas... Yet again, another awesome game. Especialy how much thought has been put into the content. The world is varied and locations dont feel like the same old cave or building over and over again (like they did in Oblivion)
But I seem to be finding things that are pretty dissapointing... First and foremostly is the buggy nature of the game. Items vanishing from companions inventories being the worst culprit. This has broken quests for me when I have done things like given ED-E euclyds rangefinder only to have it dissapear, and spent my hard earned caps on weapons at gun runners, stashed them in companions inventories to free up space for scavangeing, then yet again finding out they have vanished.
I understand that the game is absolutely huge, and there are gonna be a lot of bugs, and that you cant fix all of em. But honestly, Im surprised you let the games ship with these issues... Thats something I would expect of EA, not Bethesda. While I hope you do something about these bugs, if you dont, at least learn from this for the release of Skyrim. I have been looking forward to the next elder scrolls installment since Oblivion, and Im hoping to see a well polished, epic game that will keep me entertained for many many play throughs. Concidering that the elder scrolls serious is like "the face of Bethesda" the creation that everyone knows Bethesda for, Im expecting to see a well executed game with minimal bugs.
Oh, and another huge dissapointment for me in New Vegas... Why the hell is it so unworth robbing casinos!? I started this game thinking "Awesome! Once I get my sneak, guns, and lockpick skill up high enough, Im gonna hit the strip, rob the casinos and make off with lotsa cash!..."
But no... Exploring a cave or a shack can be more rewarding than putting all that effort into sneaking around a casino undetected to make away with all the cash... (which is either non existant, or a pittifuly small amount to say they are supposed to be casinos...)
Please please please release a patch or DLC that makes it possible to do over the casinos and end up stinking rich!
I mean, a quest per casino would be kinda cool, where there are scripted events and you can choose to perform an actual intracate heist if your sneak skill is high enough, or raid the place guns blazing if not... Or even if you just had to sneak around without the scripted events and the guards had a patrol route so you had to be real stealthy and time things right, or assassinate guards/patrols silently, having to stash their bodies in closets as not to alert patrols, like they did with hitman... Anyways, these are just some ideas for how i would implement being able to rob casino's, I could go on forever about ideas so I will just leave it at that lol.
All in all, amazing game, just a few dissapointments that have been quite a big let down for me.
Thanks Bethesda, still a game thats gonna keep me entertained for a good few play throughs, even though it might be a bit buggy.