1. Dual Wielding: Very good Idea in theory, however, having to equip spells to use them has a flaw I've noticed. If you hotkey your spell to #1 key lets say, it defaults to your offhand which unequips your offhand item and there is no quick way to switch back, you have to pull up your favorites and equip your shield/weapon back into your offhand. If there is a quick way to do this rather than having to pull up the favorites menu to equip it, please let me know. Or if there is a way to hot button items to your offhand, let me know that too.
2. Archery: Has anyone else had there arrows fly right through the head of a wolf or if you are reallllllly far away, you can't hit anything to save your life? This could just be the fact that they have made things a bit more realistic as far as hitting your enemies with a bow and you have to be a lot more accurate, but it just seems I hit things right between the eyes and the arrow just flies right by em.
3. Clicking Items: Can someone help me also with the fact that when you click an item to read or inspect, like a note or book, you can't select anything else afterwards. I have to exit out of inventory and go back in to clear the fact that I am stuck inspecting that item or reading that note. Is there something I am not hitting? I've tried everything lol. Not that big of a deal, just a little annoying to have to exit and go back into inventory.
After everything is said and done, I'm sure Bethesda is working to fix all the bug reports and things with smooth themselves out soon enough. But if anyone has any tips on these 3 things for now, please let me know! I just love this game, especially all the detail in the graphics and voices and character stories.