A few Noob questions…. to help me get started...

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:34 pm

1. How long do towns/guards people stay mad at you, if you steal or kill from them can you ever return to the town or will you be remembered as a threat for the rest of the game? What happens if I kill the guards, will they remain on alert if you enter the town several hours/days later?

2. Could you ruin entire side quests by killing off people in the game, could you technically glitch/ruin the game if you kill a key person in the story?

3. Can my hose die in battle, I already killed on by running off a cliff. I worry as I try to chase it down as it get all alpha on me and runs into battle...

4. Is there a difference between owning a house and killing its inhabitants and using it for storage, since you now technically own the house?

5. A certain dragon stone was needed in a certain part of the game, I picked it up in a side quest and my mind was blown as the main story seemed to need it to progress.. what if I dropped it in some cave to save weight or sold it.. would the game be glitched?
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:12 pm

1. Till you're caught or pay the fine I believe.

2. Essential NPCs aren't killable, but why are you killing everyone you see anyway? This isn't Call of Duty.

3. Yes. :( I lost my horse to a dragon once. I wasn't even on him, I'd just Fast Traveled, there he was and the dragon landed on him and spit him out. Later I ended up killing my own horse when he attacked randomly and got in my way.

4. What is wrong with you?!

5. Not sure, I still had mine when that happened. If it's something that seems unique, don't be stupid with it. :) Or concentrate on doing quests before randomly wandering the countryside poking inside dungeons.
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:52 am

5. if you need it for mainquest which ill doubt. then you can't drop it.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:41 pm

1. As long as you have bounty, they will try to arrest you. You need to remove you bounty one way or another. If you don't want to pay your bounty, or spend time in jail, check the console commands for how to remove it. How they "talk" to you when you pass by, is determined by what you have done it the game so far. The game is an RPG, and the world changes around you by your actions.

2. You could remove side quests yes. But the main story is not possible to ruin (if it is a NPC you can't kill, because it affects an important quest, they will just kneel for a couple of seconds, standing up again with full HP. But smaller quests become unavailable when you kill a quest giver, or an NPC that is required in that quest.

3. My horse has died in battle. Ran into some giants, and boom, dead. It also got killed while fighting some mountain lions. But atm I got the Dark Brotherhood horse, and it seems to be unkillable.

4. Well, when you own a house, you get the key, you get the rights to it etc. Entering a "stolen" house at night will still result in bounty (if not open), and you will not for example be able to get married and move into that house (marriage is actually possible in skyrim). The items you put in the chests etc might become marked as stolen goods when you retrieve them, not sure about that part.

5. Vital quest items can't be dropped. If you try to drop them it says "quest items can't be dropped". Just try

Hope that is what you where looking for :)
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:32 pm

You keep your bounties from committing crimes in that city. Try sheathing your weapon and they should just arrest you. You might be able to bribe your way out of an arrest or pay a fine. They won't just forget you're a murderer I'm pretty sure (although no witnesses = no bounty).

I'm pretty sure the radiant story means that you can't bodge quests like that and that some people are still immortal so you can't kill them, but tbh don't just go around killing people like that.

Horses can die in battle I'm sure, but they are pretty badass and put up a good fight.

No idea, sorry.

Any quest related objects can't be removed from your inventory unless in order to progress in that quest - I've tried storing stuff and it says something like "this is a quest related item and cannot be removed" or something. I don't think you even get the option to sell them to vendors either.
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:34 pm

1. How long do towns/guards people stay mad at you, if you steal or kill from them can you ever return to the town or will you be remembered as a threat for the rest of the game? What happens if I kill the guards, will they remain on alert if you enter the town several hours/days later?

2. Could you ruin entire side quests by killing off people in the game, could you technically glitch/ruin the game if you kill a key person in the story?

3. Can my hose die in battle, I already killed on by running off a cliff. I worry as I try to chase it down as it get all alpha on me and runs into battle...

4. Is there a difference between owning a house and killing its inhabitants and using it for storage, since you now technically own the house?

5. A certain dragon stone was needed in a certain part of the game, I picked it up in a side quest and my mind was blown as the main story seemed to need it to progress.. what if I dropped it in some cave to save weight or sold it.. would the game be glitched?

1. Until you pay your bounty or do jail time.

2. The Main Quest is protected by having other NPCs step up. However side and faction and misc quests are not protected. In other words, the NPC you kill today may be the one you need tomorrow.

3. Yes, your horse can die.

4. I think you need to wait 72 hours before it is considered safe to store things in a house you stole.

5. If you lose an essential quest item, well, you have lost an essential quest item.

In other words, the game will let you fail.
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le GraiN
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:39 pm

2. Essential NPCs aren't killable, but why are you killing everyone you see anyway? This isn't Call of Duty.

4. What is wrong with you?!

Lol, I been on my best behavior and have not even killed a chicken... yet.... I never played a game like this and it blows my mind of what you can do... I actually fear a merchant getting mad at me and attacking me every time I enter his store... or if guards find me in a house and I choose to fight and kill them... Last time I surrendered I lost all the stuff I had previously stolen, it was a bummer... almost as bad as the 1000 gold I lost when the knees of my horse bucked after jumping off a sheer cliff and died.. I was so distraught I almost started over lol....
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:45 pm

I miss the perk of the Morrowind Thieves Guild. Get in trouble? Pay them to forget about it.

I can not go anywhere near Markarth without 20 guards swarming me. And why is it as soon as I go through a door, any door, they all appear with me? Even if I sprinted waaaaay ahead of them, (Save the 2 standing by the city door.) as soon as I touch that door, they all are magically standing right in front of me, blocking my escape!!

Really annoying.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:29 pm

When my friend stated, he was stealing everything he could get his hands on. He just wouldn't believe me that you can make more money than you'll ever need without ever stealing or pick pocketing anything. :)

The rush to 5000 gold to get your first house (and the extra 1600 or whatever to furnish it to you can store things organized like) is a little rough, but once you have that you're golden. Never did buy a horse myself, I somehow got one from a camp (white "Ride Horse" option on it, and after riding it for 10 seconds it just started showing up when I fast traveled, till the dragon ate it!) but that 1000 will set ya back a bit.
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:07 pm

The worst is when you accidentally dragon breath someone... Hey hows it going "GIANT DRAGON BREATH TO THE FACE!!!!" They blow back and everyone is now pissed off at you...damit!
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