Few questions about the story.

Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:34 pm

First off, a story question about Benny:
When you go to confront Benny at the tops and choose to talk with him and he tells you his plan to take over Vegas, is there any way you can side with Benny or Benny and yes man?

Intro cut scene and general story question:

In the intro cut scene it's zooming out from the strip and then from the "Welcome to new Vegas" sign and a ncr veteran ranger pops up and is the one to shoot you. So how did you all the sudden did you get in bennys hands? How did he get you if someone from the ncr shot you?

And lastly:

after you wake up in doc mitchells house why is sunny smiles and everyone teaching u how to shoot and fend for yourself if your an advlt and you were aiming a gun right when you got shot? Like weren't you in the wasteland the whole time you've been alive? And how do you know nothing about the new Vegas area. Like where did you live before you got shot and were delivering the platinum chip to Vegas?

And the game has been out for almost a year and I still haven't got how to play caravan. No one actually explains it. So could someone send me a PM and tell me how.

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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:03 pm

No, you can't side with Benny. You can save his life and let him go free though. YOu can side with Yes Man though.

That NCR Ranger was just shooting for teh lulz at a random Fiend. It doesn't mean anything.

You got shot in the head, maybe they thought you had brain damage. They just get you started. Make sure you can still function, and then you can return the favor and help the town. You don't know anything about Vegas because you probably aren't native to Vegas. You are a Courier, so you most likely entered throujgh Mojave Outpost and up to Goodsprings. If you were actually FROM Vegas, you would have been smarter and went through Novac from Nipton to get into Vegas, because if the Courier went past the Goodsprings Cemetary, his corpse would have been violated by Cazadores and possibly Deathclaws.
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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:41 pm

No, you can't side with Benny. You can save his life and let him go free though. YOu can side with Yes Man though.

That NCR Ranger was just shooting for teh lulz at a random Fiend. It doesn't mean anything.

You got shot in the head, maybe they thought you had brain damage. They just get you started. Make sure you can still function, and then you can return the favor and help the town. You don't know anything about Vegas because you probably aren't native to Vegas. You are a Courier, so you most likely entered throujgh Mojave Outpost and up to Goodsprings. If you were actually FROM Vegas, you would have been smarter and went through Novac from Nipton to get into Vegas, because if the Courier went past the Goodsprings Cemetary, his corpse would have been violated by Cazadores and possibly Deathclaws.

This belongs in the spoiler section, but yeah.

I'd like to add to the last part, the Courier doesn't have any memory loss, but it is certain that they are not from the area. Other than that, the game itself leaves your past open and if you really wanted, you could roleplay that your player is from that region and just not choose dialogue that indicates otherwise.
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:46 am

That's what I thought. Is LR going to answer this question?
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:14 pm

That's what I thought. Is LR going to answer this question?

Is the meaning of life hidden in Pluto? Hell if we know until we get there. :P
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Emily Martell
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:12 pm

Is the meaning of life hidden in Pluto? Hell if we know until we get there. :P

Bears crap in woods and the Earth circles the the Sun so yeah, hopefully!
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:28 pm

That's what I thought. Is LR going to answer this question?

Maybe, but honestly probably not. New Vegas is a rpg to its core and to give the player character a backstory would screw that up.
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Miss K
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:26 pm

Maybe, but honestly probably not. New Vegas is a rpg to its core and to give the player character a backstory would screw that up

Well there is one thing, We did something to Ulysses. Something that made him obsessed with us. None of us know... Yet. Only thing we can Roleplay about that is we stole his favorite teddy bear or something.
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