No, there is no "essential list". However, I recommend downloading and installing the official patch, OBSE, Wrye Bash, BOSS, OBMM, a Darnified UI of choice, and the unofficial patches for whatever official things you have installed (Oblivion, SI, DLC). Elys Universal Silent Voice is a must when using a lot of mods. Oblivion Stutter Remover can help with stability.
Beyond that, I suggest you have a look at TIE, which is perhaps the smallest "overhaul", and is also fine with regards to lore. And yes, it fixes level scaling, as well as making the game harder in general, and does many other things besides. Cobl is a nice mod in general, and in particular offers a lot lore-wise. Maybe have a look at Cliffworm's mods (the "Oblivifall" range) too. The Oblivion Content Restoration Project looks promising too. Enhanced Economy is almost required, I think.
Unique Landscapes is great, and either Better Cities or Open Cities Reborn will do a lot to improve the cities - OCR brings.them closer to how they were precented in images early on, in case that's of interest. There are other city mods as well, which might appeal more. And a number of modders have made village/town mods - take your pick there, if you like.
I'm partial to Supreme Magicka, as the magic system as it stands needs work, in my opinion - there are plenty of alternative approaches, however. Sneaking Detection Recalibrated is the king or queen of stealth mods, and well worth it. Alternative Beginnings is rather nice, assuming you have ever played Oblivion before. Weather - All Natural really helps with lighting and atmosphere, both indoors and out.
Anything more specific in your wants and "not wants" would help greatly. What is it that matters, doesn't matter, you would like, wouldn't like, are interested in, are not interested in ... ?
edit: As far as graphics go, it's highly subjective, but I think almost all games would benefit from both RAEVWD and Animated Windows and Lighting.System. Make sure to download TES4LODGen if you install those mods, and run it after you've installed all mods, and made a Bashed Patch. On that note, I suggest running TES4ll to generate landscape meshes, normal maps and textures (by default, it takes into account all the mods you have installed).