I'm looking for 3 different commands to be used in the 'Papyrus Fragment' section, in the 'Quest Stages' tab of a Quest window.
1. I'm trying to force open the quest journal (and hopefully designate what quest to show) with a command. I would put this command after or before 'setObjectiveDisplayed' or 'setObjectiveCompleted', so every time a quest is updated, the log would open and go to the designated quest.
2. Force a message to appear on the screen after an objective is completed or displayed, which for example would say something like "Bleak Falls Barrow Updated".
EDIT: Found a solution for this. Using Debug.Notification("Hello, world!") will print a message to the top left
3. Is there a way to have an objective complete/display in the quest journal, but not show up as a message on the screen? Basically hide those messages, but still complete and display in the journal.
I am hoping I can use these 2 commands in conjuction so that when an objective is displayed/completed, the message of "xxx Quest Update" will appear on the screen, and then that particular quest will force open for viewing.
Thanks to anyone who can help.