1. We have a tweet saying roleplaying a monk is possible
2. H2h is in the game, but is not supported by a skill
3. H2H is lethal
4. Khajiit have a racial ability that makes their H2H attacks do more damage
So why is H2H going to rock?!
I Removal of attributes
In previous games damage of H2H was directly tied to your strength as well as your skill. This meant that if you wanted to be a master in it, you had to pump your strength to hulk levels. And martial arts is not about muscles.. You don't need to be huge to deliver the pain. In Skyrim you no longer have to pump your strength all the way to do damage with your hands.
II Not depending on perks
While a lot of people (me included) are hoping to see a few h2h related perks, being light on perks in addition to being light in your pack is not so bad.. Let me explain.. Let's say you choose two-handed weapons. To get the maximum out of them you need to spend over 10 perks (out of 50ish). 5 perks for added dmg, 3 perks for weapon specialization and a few stand alone perks..
With H2H your freedom is much greater.. When you start playing Skyrim you will probably spend the first 10 levels or even more enhancing your combat skills (one-handed, two-handed, archery, destruction) while letting your other skills wait a bit.. If you choose H2H instead you can invest in those skills right from the start.
III Gloves
Gloves in this game can be viewed as fist weapons in a way.. We already know Khajiit get stronger h2h attacks.. I will be both surprised and disappointed if Beth does not implement gloves that have a similar bonus.. Heavy hitter gloves, KO gloves.. Maybe even enchant gloves with a "on hit" mechanincs.. And you don't even need to unequip them if you want to hold a weapon or a spell..
IV Mods
And even if Beth does not implement such gloves, mods will. In Skyrim it will be easy to "increase / decrease / fine tune" H2H.. If you think its UP, you make a mod with gloves that enhance it.. If you over do it, you tweak the gloves.. With no skill you don't have to worry about balancing damage on lower and higher levels.. You just make gloves with different modifiers and make the better ones harder to obtain.. Sry consoles.