a few rules for max. nanosuit

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:42 am

i saw many players messing things in max. nanosuit up badly so i wrote this:
a few rules for max. nanosuit:
1. JUMP, JUMP, JUMP, its "free" (unlimited energy)
2. SPRINT, SPRINT, SPRINT, its "free"(unlimited energy) and 100% speed!
3. keep your targets close, depends on weapon too
4. make sure that you have enough ammo and if you dont you can pick up a new one OR play until you get killed and then activate max. nanosuit!
5. if you have a close range weapon (depends on map!) play until you get killed and before the killcam starts hit esc -> change equipment -> and choose a long range weapon..
6. if you have, change to a nano recharge class, preferably level 3
7. dont camp in some corner!!! run and expose yourself on the map! dont crouch and dont just walk! go to areas who are good visible by allmost the whole map.
8. if you see a grenade icon, RUN and JUMP!
9. DONT let anyone get near you (stealth-kill finishes you off.. you gonna be really pissed when you just hit the max. nanosuit button( btw, change killstreaks to "4" or "5".
10. if you want, use your sidearm and fire a few bullets to attract enemys who look on the radar
11. USE nanovision when you see a cloaked enemy, its safer, and put it off when he dies.
these are just some tips, important is only jumping and making sure having enough bullets. and ofcourse not camping. lol
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Horse gal smithe
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:52 am

Not everyone likes jumping. Also you have to be a bit careful now how exposed you get, as a few people can drop you fairly fast unfortunately.
Short ranged weapons aren't that terrible with max nanosuit, as you you tend to get lots of melee kills anyway rushing at people XD. In some of my videos I noticed that people instinctively try to melee someone in max nanosuit and it usually ends in fail. I agree that nano recharge 3 is probably the best perk for it.

All other points are good :)
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:47 pm

im watching crysis 2 vids on youtube quite often and i am realizing 2 things:
people dont know how to use max nanosuit AND
people dont know how to save your energy and jumping well (you allmost never need a powejump to get somewhere)
for the second one, i will make a video as soon as i get a mic and figure out how to use fraps and how to edit/compress videos..
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:19 pm

Ever since they nerfed Max suit it makes me die, basically when I get max suit I think "Awesome, max nanosuit, time for a killing spree MWHAHAHAHA" then I rambo and get myself killed.....

So basically I think, if you get max nanosuit, use it as what it is, a so-called 'support bonus' for that extra survivability and unlimited energy :)
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:41 pm

follow these tips dude they really help .. you may be called bunny hopping noob but thats worth it :P
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