Few Suggestions In Updates

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:24 pm

First I just want to say that Fallout 4 has been amazing! Thank you for doing am awesome job with it. With that being said,there are a few suggestions I would like to make for any updates you guys plan on releasing. And yes, I know that there are some glitches in the game that need to be fixed, but that'll be with the updates as well.

1) Companions

I rock the solo wander because these guys get me caught ALL the time. Please improve upon the Companions so that if I'm sneaking they are sneaking and hugging the corners as well. I'd also like to be able to suggest being able to assign tasks to companions as well. Like sending them on the hunt for weapon, armor, or workshop parts.

2) Settlements

Please provide better explanations on what things in the Settlements actually do. It took me several Google searches and YouTube videos to figure out what the power pylons actually do and how they work.

Also, please add sandbags as well. There have been several times that I have cleared out areas with Raiders and they would have sandbags in front and around turrets, reducing the direction of being able to fire at it. I would also like to suggest having wall mountable spotlights.

I would also like to suggest being able to put settlers in Power Armor as well. I have enough suits to have at least 2 people in each settlement I have aligned with so far, I would love to be able to equip Power Armor on all my settlers, and have them be pretty epic defense.

3) Sneaking

I have my Agility maxed out and the perks that make me 50% harder to spot and running no longer plays a factor in detection either. So why do my footsteps make noise? If I'm maxed out and running now longer effects it, then my footsteps should no longer make any noise.

4) Settlement Types

I guess this could be under the settlement part, but I wish you guys would allow us to have raider settlements and even allow us to raid other settlements and enslave people. I know you guys got rid of karma, but this would still be a fun feature in the game.

5) Creating Factions/Groups

While there are a few Factions in Fallout 4, I don't understand why we can't create our own faction/group. It could even be based upon our characters stats when the group is created. If you are high in Intelligence you can create a faction that rivals The Brotherhood of Steel or The Institute. If you have high Perception, then you can create on that rivals The Gunners. Or you can create a group of followers that allow you to assign specific skills and task to. Say you are into sneaking and you have a high Perception, then you can train a follower with a sniper rifle. Then you can assign them to be your eyes from afar and they can mark on your compass where the enemies are at. Not just that, but also snipe enemies that are approaching you from behind. If you are a heavy armor and guns blazing kind of character, you can train someone on explosives and then your followers can rain explosives down on the battlefield creating a massive distraction. HOWEVER, there is a catch to this. Not only will enemies around you start looking for your follower, but if they're not using a silenced weapon, enemies around your follower can hear them and will start looking for them as well.

This is all I have for right now. Thank you for reading and I appreciate the awesomeness you guys have created with Fallout 4.
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Amy Smith
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