A few things that I was hoping to see

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:30 am

First and foremost, this game is soo awesome, 10/10 and shocked me with how good it is.
But it has a few things in it that I expected it to do because it's common-place in other games.

The main thing being the weapons... as far as I remember we have 13, or 14 main weapons, while other games have well over 30...I understand making each gun have a purpose and serve a role on the battlefield but eventually the monotony of carrying the same 10 or so guns will make this game feel repetitive... after I master one gun I only have 11 or so to go...

A new feature they could have introduced is once you "prestige" (not sure what it's called but i read from the creators of the game that you can) you get 13 new guns to mess around with, the first couple have their flaws but the rest are way better than the previous weapons you had months ago and give you a better understanding of the game and how it works...

Also, a slight request, but I know that i will get a lot of flack for this, I think they should have introduced a sword into this game...

Just imaging how fluid it would be to hold down the jump button while your sword is in hand and you can turn at a 360 degree angle dependent upon how you move your anolog stick... the only downfall is it uses up 80% of your energy, giving your a fairly hard chance to run away if you miss, or are sighted doing a sword swipe...

Just some suggestions... would love to hear feedback
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:19 am

Sorry, it's an FPS and not a hack'n'slash. I would like it to remain that way.
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matt oneil
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:28 am

And this isn't a civil war era FPS, so no swords, and last time I checked, I don't get issued a sword to go to war with, plus, the aliens in this game I could not see using swords. The only reason Halo got away with swords is because the Elites are kind of super traditional warriors, so some of them carry swords. most games try to fallow a simple guide line when it comes to games like Crysis, "guns > melee weapons" and I don't know about you, if I saw some one running at me with a sword out in combat, I'd put him down with a few rounds.
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:04 am

"and I don't know about you, if I saw some one running at me with a sword out in combat, I'd put him down with a few rounds.

which is exactly what would make it awesome, IF he does get the advantage of killing you with it.. As unlikely as it may seem that he can, it would make the game even more stealth oriented.

I'd even say that it has a "health bar" to it... 10 slices of continuous use then it has to be recharged for 20 seconds...

Maybe i am wrong, maybe this game doesn't need this, but i do think it would be a cool addition. Plus, games like Metal Gear Solid use it and that's an AAA game.
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