It would be about the bloody time we got one. :-/
And some sort of friendly fire because it is impossible to have a nice massive brawl in TES I know because of all the NPC jumping right in front of you just as you are about to swing your axe on your victim and then blames you for it.
Also, a more interesting/buffed Hand-to-Hand skill would be nice together with return of Unarmored skill (it's my personal wish to make a martial artist ever since Arena).
And please make Telekinesis be usable in battle.
Pushing/pulling enemies and damaging them when they slam each other or objects around them is better than six!
Also, last but not least.
I think that ability to become lich or werewolf would be nice together with vampirism.
Fan [censored]ing finished, over and out!''
Anyway, to say few more details about stuff above.
-Multi player:
I never though about it while playing Arena, but when I sat down on Morrowind (never played Daggerfall

No matter how perfect AI is, it can never replace IQ.
Especially if that IQ is your friends who you want to mess around with, go trough some quests together and maybe even exchange few blows if you get bored of bashing NPC little gentle heads.
This is 5th TES game and I really think that it's about time to have multi player.
It's something so little, but can improve a game a lot!
-Possible Solution:
Just make it so that I can invite a friend(s) into my world to join me or make it so that you can create game where you play with character you've created the game with.
Level of creatures will be adjusted by level of host of the game.
(Moderator note: there's a
-Friendly Fire:
Now, lot of people will say that it's fine like this because it's more realistic.
But this is game people.
While I enjoy realism in fantasy games since it really wakes up your imagination and makes you think that this all could actually happen (most wonderful part about TES series), there are some things that simply should be adjusted because some things that work in real life don't work in games.
For example.
In real life, if some idiot jumps in front of me while I am about to bash someone with my hammer, I can stop that swing and it's easier to notice when some idiot is going to jump in front of you.
In game, you can't stop your swings and it's harder to notice incoming [censored] because of smaller view range.
Also, it makes massive brawls very uncomfortable and actually unwanted since I will end up dealing large number of blows to my [censored] allies.
Hope this gets fixed one way or another.
-Possible Solution:
Make a key that will be used for turning friendly fire on and off.
When I press that key and have it on, my skills, attacks and other stuff that I do when I want to kill somebody will not harm my allies.
When I press it again, it will return to normal and all my attacks will also do harm to my allies like they used to in previous games.
-Hand-to-Hand and Unarmored skills:
Unarmored and unarmed fighting style is something I think TES could use.
It is practically there already, but just need to get worked on a bit and it will be great.
The biggest problem here is how to balance it since unarmored and unarmed person doesn't have to find better weapons and armor for use and making it level up more slowly would actually be kinda be boring.
-Possible Solution:
First of all, return Unarmored discipline.
Second of all, make sets of clothes that will give bonuses for unarmored and unarmed type of characters only and make those really good hard to find so unarmored and unarmed characters still have to search for good equipment.
Clothes like those should give bonuses mostly to Hand-to-Hand and Unarmored abilities, but also could give some other bonuses like strength, speed, agility, etc and some other nice bonuses to compensate for lack of actual armor and weapon.
Also, one possible way to give some advantages to unarmed and unarmored players is to make them be able to combine magic and fighting easier since this new system witch makes weapon users almost unable to use magic properly in battle.
Just to be able to pick objects with it is kinda amusing, but it really gets boring fast, witch is shame since that skills has so much potential.
-Possible Solution:
Make it usable in battle.
Pushing and pulling enemies while making them take physical damage when the smash onto a wall, object or other enemy, but when you target a item, it can be used as old Telekinesis.
-Liches and Werewolves:
Player was not able to become one of them in last game.
It's a shame since both werewolves (witch I personally want to become one of them) and liches are simply awesome fantasy creatures and player should choose to become one of them instead of just a vampire.
-Possible Solution:
Well, just make it happen.
Can't think of some special way right now since I don't know the story and stuff, but still, not being able to become a werewolf in Skyrim is just like not being able to get a ten on the Sun.
Also, you can always fit in a lich quest in some other guild that is trying to become a competition to Mages Guild (make Necromancers a faction you can join maybe).
-Better Adventure:
I talk with due and just follow the compass that leads me by my hand and that's that.
Oh, and by 'following the compass' I mean that I just click on map where I want to be and, presto, there I am.
Wow, some adventure, eh?
I talk with dude, actually have to listen what he has to say and then travel over the hills and watch for land marks that I use so that I can find a location where I go to and I still have to actually follow journal for more info.
I hope you see what I aim here for.
-Possible Solution:
Make NPC give you more detailed information like they used to in Morrowind and option to remove that blasted pointer on the compass that shows us where we have to go.
Also, return Morrowind-like transport between towns.
That way, a huge and epic world will actually matter and horses will actually become useful (even though it wouldn't harm that you can also fight while on the horse).
Well, that's that, for now.