A few things I wonder about and some things that should chan

Post » Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:36 pm

I just got done reading about RAGE on IGN.. http://ie.xbox360.ign.com/articles/116/1163372p1.html

My first thought is, will RAGE end up looking terrible on console like BRINK.. I mean I know that SD used a modded version of ID tech 4 and not ID tech 5.. but it looks nothing like the videos they showed before the game came out.. Then I think, if RAGE really does look that good on console then why didnt SD use ID tech 5 or at least asked for help from ID to make the console version of Brink look better.. I hope Rage doesnt suffer from a bunch of pop-ins and jaggie/blurry textures like Brink.. it has me worried...

As for Brink and other issues that I feel should be changed.. Its probably already too late but the game needs a LOBBY SYSTEM... It also needs a serious matchmaking system where bots are only used to fill in til more human players join.. Meaning a match doesnt start until the room is full of human players.. the way it is now, freeplay is garbage... When playing MP I want to avoid bots as much as possible...

Also what is up with the heavy body type? Its useless.. Not only that but the weapons (for the most part) that only the heavy body type can use are just as useless... That needs to change big time... Brink has potential and it should have been worked on for a few more months and there should have been a beta... It could have been a great game but as it is now, the game needs work.. It lacks polish for sure...
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Manuel rivera
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