Wild Theory number #127: Vault 111 is a cyrogenic facility, creating a stockpile of transplant donors for future Enclave use.....the main character is unique in that he/she survives the process with personality intact.
Wild Theory number #158: Vault 111 is made up of small number of Cyborg 'survivors' from the pre-war era, who use cloned dna for fresh human parts, the main character is one such cloned human who escapes the confines of the vault.
Wild Theory number #179: Vault 111 is much like the earlier Fallout games main character vaults, standard non fiendish experiment 'normal' vaults.....the main character has to leave for some reason.
Wild Theory number #189: Vault 111's population spend their entire lives in simulators (children are created artificially), believing themselves to be in a pre-war enviroment.
Etc, etc, etc......
All of these theories are based on no facts beyond the existence of Vault 111. 
One thing on the Vault 112, as Vault 112's inhabitants were in stasis/simulation pods and NOT cyrogenically frozen they like Mr House are not viable proof of cyro, the only real example we have is by aliens in a DLC many do not even consider canon.