I've clocked about 90 hours and a bit now so I thought I'd make an account and give a few thoughts about the game.
Firstly, I mostly love the combat. It feels fast paced and smooth, the combat rifles and shotguns feel incredibly satisfying to reload ("KK'CHUNK"). I played a stealthy fellow with silenced weapons, for the record.
However! I wanted to play a stealthy fellow with melee weapons. I quickly had to abandon that idea. It's possible but such a hassle that it's infinitely easier just to use silenced ranged weapons. Simple things that could be done to improve this that other similar games have done, such as Farcry 3, the distraction rock, the combo-stab (After you've stabbed this person, quickly press the stab button to lunge to the next) or knocking out lights. Also, it's been a darn long time, could we not have a better stealth system in general? '[Hidden]', '[Caution]' and '[Danger]' feels somewhat ridiculous at times as I snipe several faces off and wait for amnesia to kick in before going for the rest.
About enemies otherwise, we've got about five groups. Humans, Super Mutants, Ghouls, Synths and beasties. A select few act a bit different, but my strategy remains, "Hide in shadows, snipe in face". Which is okay, it's how I choose to play, but whenever I'm discovered it seems that raiders act exactly the same as synths who act the same as super mutants. Sure, ghouls dive and don't use miniguns but at the end of the day that's not enough. I think it would be okay having more specialists. Raiders with bullet shields, ghouls that explode, mole rats that burst with more mole rats (synths that give energy shields to other synths?) and maybe behavioural differences as well. Clearly, ghouls swarm.. could they not release a harmful amount of stacking radiation when they die that heals the remainder? Could raiders not retreat to a safe zone and aim at the door? Super Mutants not get frustrated and charge with big sticks? I'm just suggesting, because right now they all feel too similar.
Speaking of behaviours, AI companions are terrible. No, let's go back, they're pretty bad. Combat-wise and exploration-wise they are a complete liability. Stealth is constantly broken with AI companions jangling tin cans, detonating mines and just being noisy. I wouldn't even mind charisma making them stealthier or just better programming but as it stands I'm forced to leave them at the door and come back for them. For goodness' sake, Cait tries to snipe with a shotgun! Also, relationships feel utterly artificial. Take a big step back and examine them again because after 3 conversations and a personal quest, they will be in love with me and they're all so bland they're interchangeable. So far, the only reasons I can see for having companions are because of their funny idle chit-chat when going new places and being my pack mules. I beg you, give them more lives of their own, let them talk to each other if they're at the same place together or, indeed, go off to do their own thing. I can tell you've taken baby steps but simple like/dislike mechanics are now outdated. You've got to do more. Maybe the DLCs can be used to explore their characters (Maybe patches can improve their AI...)? Otherwise, in the newer games, I've personally always been a fan of fewer companions but more character. At least it's better than Skyrim, though!
Settlement building. I know what you're trying to do. I appreciate that you're trying to do it. I personally think it's a gimmick that has no actual purpose but I know people like it. My biggest objection to it is that I worry that it's going to become an expectation of future Fallout games when I would prefer the time spent on things that I personally enjoy, which is selfish, such as the plot or character development. I can't complain too much, though, as I know this feature isn't for me. I am also terrible at it.
I'm alright with the new perk system, except that because of how valuable crafting is that I feel obliged to put points into stats that I otherwise wouldn't wish to put my points into. I think it's better than the Skyrim system where I have to craft ungodly amounts of useless items to improve blacksmithing, but that there has to be a better way. I'm also disappointed that the only stat that matters in conversations is charisma and no perks at all make any difference. You'd think that Science! would have a conversational purpose at some point, but no.
Anyway, I've spent a bit writing this and now I'm hungry. I'm off, thanks for reading.