- Raiders running between rooms gives it a kind of urgency, so I like them doing that. What i DON'T like is that my dwellers assigned to attack them (they run to the room with guns drawn) don't follow them, and in the heat of the moment you fumble around trying to select them, trying to drag them to the next room, etc., whch unnecessary waste of time. Dwellers should just chase after them.
- Turrets is a very nice idea, it shouldn't replace dwellers guarding entrance by pbliterating deathclaws of course, but seeing as dwellers don't get anything out of standing at the entrance door, you might as well. That, or dwellers can attack enemies outside of vault as they are trying to get in.
- I like the idea of traders, though I can't say how they can be implemented; exploration and lunchboxes is how you normally get items, whereas money is largely towards building/ upgrading.
- I really wish old weapons can be improved, either by combining X Rusty Revolver to produce one regular Revolver. It wouldn't replace exploring for better weapons, but you then have decisions regarding keeping your Storage Room stocked with junk in the hopes you get enough to convert them, or sell them and use the caps for construction/ reviving. To compensate they can't go up to legendary level, of course.
My own ideas:
- User interface is a bit punishing for incidents, especially when the screen keeps scrolling as you're trying to select a person running around. IMO it should be tap once, and tap any other room the dweller is not in, and it assigns them there. The dragging them around, especially in large vaults, can be really frustrating, sometimes I tap but the game thinks I tapped somewhere else.
- Storage Room is rated as Endurance, but people in those rooms do nothing. They should gain XP for "managing" the stuff in there, alongside happiness.
Part of the weapon-improvement idea could be done here too- you can get bonuses from using upgraded storage rooms to upgrade weapons.
Another simpler idea is that assigning dwellers with high Endurance to the Storage room increases the amount of caps you get from selling items. For a room that is unlocked early on when you can really use some caps and (worthless) items are flooding in from explorers, this is away to utilize Endurance in the early game with some benefits to the player in line with SPECIAL stats and economy.
- Deleting rooms that are connected to other rooms should disable the adjacent rooms if they cannot access the vault. This makes construction mistakes less punishing to the player.
-When assigning dweller to living quarters, relatives in the room (or the entire vault) should be highlighted to indicate who can be procreated with. Can cut down with shuffling around "partners" to see if who would be incistuous.
- Types of lunchboxes: "common" ones can be bought with low caps cost but never have rare/ legendary items (used to convert caps to fast track resources or common items), rare boxes that give common and rare stuff, never gives legendary and costs a lot of caps. "Premium" boxes are what we have now- guaranteed chance of rare/ legendary drop but cost real money.
- Resources are gained per second instead of waiting X time to collect Y amount. What this means is that a room producing 60 power per minute gives you 1 power per second. This can cut down on the micromanagement around tapping your device every few minutes just to stave off starvation. The tapping scheme can remain through the Rush feature.
-More objectives? Like a total of five active at once? Cancelling gives 12 hours instead of 24.