I would have voted for Cyrus vs MK, but since I am stationed in San DIEGO and not San FRANCISCO), I would not be able to witness the carnage (assuming innocent bystanders would be witness to the battle), and that's just a deal-breaker for me as far as my vote is concerned. :flamethrower:
Glad to hear that you'll be writing something new, though, regardless of which vote (or votes) win. Thanks, MK!
Hey blud,
You're assuming that a three-way MK/Thras/Cyrus fight based on a floating oceanic kingdom couldn't make its way down the California coast. And, like, tidal wave Rockstar SD for making me envious. Or during Comic-Con, where my favorite writers in the world stop signing autographs long enough to write-by-consensus the salvation of the last American bastion of unwavering creativity. Plus dancing.
PS - I owe you several hollabacks KT01. They're coming.