On our left corner, we have Cyrus the Redguard. On our right, we have... whoever (in one case, whatever) wins the poll.
Included by their names are the locations of each fight. You've seen the Red Vest take down the Domino of the East, now watch him Hoon-ding it across all of space and time.
I'll shut the poll on July 4th, something I think Cyrus might appreciate. To make it even more fun, I'll take the number of the votes of the least wanted fighter and have exactly that many days to write it. If even one of them is 0, no leather, no guns, no fun. That means at least ONE of you must vote for each fighter.
(And, Huck, before you ask/whinge/remind: Numinatus! has morphed into something entirely more spherical. I never forget, I just let it lay dormant until it smells right.)
By the way, the voting is here, whereas the fiction will debut at http://monkeytruth.net/.
Love. Spreads. GO!