» Fri May 04, 2012 7:51 am
I chose flight.
My main argument was this:
When I went in, I was a House supporter. One of the reasons I was was because House doesn't wipe out the NCR and Legion, but rather co-exists with them. Although difficult for people to make the trek, this gives people options about what kind of nation they want to live in. If they don't like House, they can flee to NCR. If they hate trading in the NCR, they can trade in Legion territory. This, at the time to me, was sort of like Independent Vegas except with more established governments rather than anarchy. (and admittedly, a lot of footwork to switch nations lulz) I wanted to allow all three nations to co-exist among each other and simply let the people choose which one they liked best, and let that flag fly.
This also meant I wanted the Sorrows innocence to survive. Why? Because they were unique. They were the only culture in the area that knew no war and cried for fallen enemies as well. Zion is but a place, but such a culture doesn't come around so often. If they can continue living that way then let's let them. I think it's worth a try, even if it does cost them their home once.
Aside from that, I just sort of heeded Daniel's warnings about Graham. To me it felt like Graham was sort of repeating history, rallying tribes for war like Caesar.