Fighters Guild Quests by David Brasher and Fighters Guild Quests Project Team an excellent mod that adds many quests to the guild quest line. It is required by Guild Advancement, another very fine mod by dreamed1
However, some quests are bugged. It is required to use console to finish them, and some are prone to crashes. It would require considerable amount of CS knowlegde to deal with them, as far as I can tell. That mod adds so much to the game, that I think it would be great if someone could make a patch/replacer for it, as David Brasher retired from Oblivion modding.
You may see the bugs listed in comments but I will sum it up here, along with some commentary in green, with info, if anybody would be interested:
Imporant. No trigger in the quest after killing rogues(?)
Not important. it's not a bug per se, but could to with a closing option. It's a minor thing though.
Important. it appears in TES4Edit that there are no wolves put into game
Quite important. this one's quite simple, would require to move a few pieces in CS, but to proper places probably (require knowing what SNU adds).
Important. This one looks simple too
Quite important. Hmm, semi difficult I guess, not sure whether it would work though.
Either this solution, or maybe add a simple Follow Player AI package to those NPCs...?
EDIT: finished commentaries so far.
EDIT2: adding info on Pest Control in Tortuous Cavern problem.
EDIT3: edited the quotes to be a bit more clear.