Going to jump into my next playthrough soon and I decided to specialize in stealth this time. I'm ashamed to say I never had a dedicated stealth character in Skyrim. Stealth has always been a minor thing for me in this game and I don't know why. Maybe it's because the land of Skyrim feels so...mildly barbaric that I always felt obliged to be some sort of melee warrior. I intend to change that this time around.
I plan on using SkRe and Deadly Dragon (plus a few more dragon overhauling mods, most notably Dragon Combat Overhaul) so I don't see how a Khajiit who doesn't specialize in archery can win in any way. Is it even possible for a character with One Handed, Light Armor, Alchemy, Alteration, Sneak, and Wayfarer to beat down a dragon? Any advice you stealth veterans could give would be appreciated.